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subject: Purchasing Guidelines For Eco Friendly Cleaning Products [print this page]

There is a large variety of janitorial supply companies who products green cleaning products to their customers. With the large number of suppliers it is often confusing to the customer as to which products they should purchase for their facilities.

Certain considerations to make when purchasing green cleaning products should include the environmental factors as well as traditional considerations should price, performance, and brand recognition as a part of the normal purchasing process. Brand recognition can be a confusing component of the quality of the eco friendly cleaning products. Quite often the brand may make claims that their products are green cleaning products without the actually proposing the actual guidelines which distinguishing their products as eco friendly cleaning products. Customers should communicate with janitorial supply companies especially those who giving vague or generic terms as sustainable and environmentally friendly. It is important to list the key characteristics and processing take make each commercial cleaning product as a green product. Customers can also check if their green cleaning products are legitimate by double checking with the guidelines of the Federal Trade Commission post conversation with the janitorial supply companies.

In addition, each label should be the manufacturers of the eco friendly cleaning products. This will help in the determination of the life cycle studies, Ph scale studies, and product testing results of the green cleaning products. This extensive knowledge should help the customer make the most informative decision on their purchases. Customers should be make the best overall value when taking into account their facilities own organization policies and regulations. Although deemed the most noticeable part of green cleaning products, the packaging is a part of what make the products green. For example, each container should be light weight, reduced volume, and recyclable. Another characteristic is that the bottles should be refillable and utilized pump sprays instead of aerosols. The labeling on the packaging should be clear and detailed to explain the components of the eco friendly cleaning products.

There are several sample list attributes that customer can look through for their facility care products. For example, the customer can ask the janitorial supply companies to give details on the corrosiveness and irritability of the substances inside the container. The National Toxicity program has further detailed guidelines on the classified substance which are used for cleaning but cannot be within green cleaning products. These substances include human carcinogens, reproductive toxicants, ozone-depleting compounds, and ammonia-chloride. The ingredients that should not be any green cleaning products are volatile organic chemicals. To counteract that, there should be more aquatic components, such as fish oil and water, within the container which can work as effective as the VOCs in the facility care products. Another important characteristic is the low flammability which is hazardous for anyone utilizing those products.

by: Jonty Johnson

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