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subject: Verizon Cell Phones: The Escapade, Perfect For Global Travelers. by:Paul Wise [print this page]

Verizon Cellular Phones has launched a global phone perfect for world travelers. The phone comes at a low cost and can place calls in over 220 destinations worldwide. In addition it runs on CDMA and GSM Cell phone networks, so there are never any problems for travelers. This is indeed the phone for the lucky world traveler or business jet setter.

In addition to capabilities world wide the phone also a solid feature set to go along with the user on all their travels. It has a built-in 2.0 megapixel camera, Bluetooth capabilities, phonebook access, dual color screens as well as VZ Navigator. With VZ Navigator the phone can give the user turn by turn directions and show more than 15 million points of interest throughout the world. This phone is truly in a class of its own with the price tag, feature set and the places that it can travel to.

Verizon Cell Phones has done it again by making a phone for a unique market and that is exactly what should be expected of companies in a competitive fight for customers. See, in the last two years the cellular phone market went from anyone's game to a smartphone market. So companies are realizing that they either need to make great smartphones that have innovative ideas or they need to make phones that fit the specific characteristics of users. Enter the Verizon Escapade. Now, that is not to say that Verizon does not make and sell quality smartphones, which they do. But that does not mean they can not also appeal to niche markets, and therefore, they do.

It's all about doing whatever you can in a market like this and Verizon Cell Phones is doing just that. You listen to the consumer, you hear what they want, what they need, what they hope for and as the company, you try to deliver on as many aspects as possible. They have provided a global phone when few others could, especially at a very low price compared to others. So low in fact that world travelers can have this phone when flying around the world and then have another number and phone for when they get back home, if they want a specific phone back home. So they have really hit into a niche well and worked out all the kinks making for another very impressive addition to an already sterling line of Verizon Cell Phones.

About the author

Paul Wise, the author of this article, recommends as a great resource for Verizon Cell Phones.

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