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Rehab-real-estate | Rehabbing A House: Kitchen And Bathrooms

Rehabbing a house shouldnt be a pain in the neck. In fact, it is a highly enjoyable and exciting task because you get to experience firsthand the joys of transforming an ugly house into a thing of beauty. You can also earn a lot of money while doing the job you like the most.

Rehab-Real-Estate | Rehabbing a House: Kitchen and Bathrooms

If youre a first time rehabber, you might get overwhelmed by the enormous task of refurbishing an old property and making it look new. Youre probably wondering what areas of the house or rooms you should focus into. Well, the secret to effectively fixing and flipping a house is improving its curb appeal and one strategy to dramatically raise your projects marketability is to stage the kitchen and the bathrooms.

Why the kitchen and the bathroom? For starters, many experts say that aside from watching the television, one of the favorite pastimes of most Americans is to spend some time in the kitchen and fix something to eat. As for the bathroom, most homebuyers are usually picky about a propertys restrooms so it would be wise to prep these particular rooms to make sure you can easily recoup your investments when rehabbing a house.
Rehab-real-estate | Rehabbing A House: Kitchen And Bathrooms

To improve the kitchens looks, make sure that you clean the area thoroughly before doing a major rehab. Scrub the tiles and the counters clean and remove grime on the windows. If you think the faucets, sinks, and other fixtures are beyond repair, then you should consider buying replacements.

Putting up new and stylish kitchen cabinets when rehabbing a house can definitely improve the propertys curb appeal but it can put a dent on your budget. A great alternative to this is to recycle and refurbish the old cabinets to minimize expenses. Just make sure that they are still in good condition to avoid putting off a potential buyer.

When it comes to the bathroom, replace broken and yellowish toilet bowls, tiles, showerheads, and sinks. Dont waste time scrubbing them clean if you think a buyer will be mortified at the first sight of them. Once youre done giving the bathroom a makeover, dont forget to put a shower curtain because this seemingly insignificant addition can definitely add flair to your fix and flip project.

If you want more nifty hints and tips on rehabbing a house, you can visit With its wide collection of quality articles and videos, you can easily find the real estate content youre looking for.

by: Daniel Mc Grey
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