subject: I Was Thrilled To Find A Terrific Deal On Some Teeth Whitening Kits [print this page] For a while now, I had been feeling embarrassed by my smile, which is why I wanted to check into teeth whitening kits. It all started a couple months ago, when I was out on the town with my friends and we decided to take a picture to commemorate the event. When I got my own copy, I was aghast to see that my teeth had a distinct yellow color, so much that I stood out from my friends with their much brighter smiles.
I assumed that it had a lot to do with my coffee habit as I work early in the morning and have to drink usually about six cups of coffee a day to keep myself on my feet and alert enough to do my job. I knew that coffee was known to stain teeth, but I had never really thought much about it, until I found myself in this embarrassing predicament and I knew I wanted a solution or I would vow never to smile again.
I knew that one option would be to go to a dentist to have them bleach my teeth for me, but I didn't have dental insurance and thought the cost would be too large. I was hoping for something that was inexpensive, but something that I could be certain would be effective. I went online and found a website that sold some fantastic teeth whitening kits that could get my teeth up to eight shades whiter for a very reasonable price.
I placed my order and got to work on getting whiter teeth, pleased to see that the kit contained everything that I would have found in the dentist's office and most importantly, that the instructions were clear and easy to understand. The only hard part was waiting through the several weeks that were needed to make my teeth the whitest they could be, but I managed to endure.
Soon enough, the process was complete, and I took a good look in the mirror to examine my new sparkling white teeth. I almost didn't recognize the person in the mirror, and I was so thrilled with the way my teeth looked, I could not stop smiling. The next time my friends and I had an evening out arranged, I made sure to have my biggest smile on so that I could look fantastic in each and every picture!
by: Bryane S. Walton
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