subject: Five Best Tips To Grab An Affordable Arizona Individual Health Insurance [print this page] There are a number of health insurance plans out there that are promised by service providers to be good. Many of them are competing for your business. Why? You will be surprised to know, health expenditure makes up whopping one sixth of the American economy. Not bad at all, really a proud thing! This means, for every 6 dollars; 1 dollar is spent on health care.
The health market looks gigantic with opportunities of business are never ending. No wonder, insurance companies are working their ass off for having your insurance dollar! But the reality is quite a few people are exposed to the policies offered by insurance companies. This makes customer uneducated and unaware about whole insurance thing!
There are hundreds of insurance companies in Arizona! How to find a right one! Which one is the most suitable for your requirements? Well, below are some quick pointers for your assistance:
1. Are you aware about your BMI, also known as Body Mass Index? The index is usually used to calculate your health insurance rates. Well, the higher BMI is, more expensive is the health insurance premium. In case you are highly obese and overweight, be ready to pay large amount of money. Stay slim to avoid costly insurance plans.
2. How risky is your job? The insurance providers will definitely rate your possible vocation hazards. If your work is hazardous, you will have to pay higher insurance premium. Just in case your professional exposes to dangerous chemicals your rates will certainly be higher than what a normal cashier would be receiving.
3. Are you an addict? Chain smokers are likely to face similar problems. Its well known fact smoking is injurious to health. And how can you expect insurance providers to pay for your addiction! Well. Quite or minimise smoking to avoid lesser health insurance rates.
4. If you are applying for insurance from the same company that provided your auto and home insurance, you are likely to get good rates. At least you will get some discounts.
5. Try to short list some Arizona health insurance providers. Compare their rates. Take out some time to conduct a meeting with insurance agents.
As you can also see, the tips are very basic yet very effective. Individual health insurance coverage is highly important, as individuals (mostly businessmen and self-employed people) are not receiving perks as a regular job guy gets. Be safe and ensure safe future of your loved ones with appropriate health coverage. To know more about Arizona health insurance, visit
by: David Roman
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