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subject: Simple Tips For Shipping To Argentina [print this page]

More and more companies today are doing business in Argentina to take advantage of a thriving market in major metropolis cities such as Buenos Aires. If you are looking to open up your market and expand by providing your goods to a new area or doing business with Argentinean companies, you will need to have a reliable shipping service.

When you are considering shipping to Argentina, the best thing to do is to find a shipping company that has locations both in Argentina and in the United States so your shipper can handle all logistics on both sides of the shipment. Having a shipper with locations in both the U.S. and Argentina also helps you to ensure that your shipper knows the requirements both in your country and abroad and can help you to comply with those requirements. If you partner with a shipping company who has the experience and who provides full-service shipping, you won't have to deal with any logistics of sending your goods; you can just focus on doing business.

You do, however, have to keep a few tips in mind for shipping to Argentina and for choosing the right shipper for you:

* You will want to make sure your shipper can do everything from quickly delivering letters to your business partners in Argentina to sending large shipments of goods, materials, or supplies. Your shipper should be able to handle whatever you want to send, and should be able to deliver it via several methods including ocean and air shipments.

* You will need to understand the customs requirements of Argentina. Your shipper can help you to understand these requirements and to ensure that you are in compliance with all laws in Argentina. For instance, Argentine customs laws indicate that the addressee needs to be present in order to authorize the checking and customs clearing of packages. If you want to make the process of clearing customs faster, you may be able to do so by specifying "Peutetre Ouvert D' Office" which means that the package may be opened officially. This is just one example of the types of customs requirements you need to know about that your shipping company can help you to comply with.

* You need to include all required documentation with your shipment. With commercial shipments especially, there are certain requirements including sending a duplicate consular invoice. Again, your shipping company should help you to understand these and other requirements so your shipment doesn't get hung up or refused.

Ultimately, with the different shipping requirements for Argentina and for other locations that you may wish to ship to, the single best thing you can do if you want to expand and ship on a multi-national or international level is to find a shipper with international connections that you can trust. This will allow you to streamline your supply chain management and make it possible for you to simply and easily ship goods not just to Argentina but to anywhere and everywhere in the world.

by: Christine Richard

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