subject: Profitable Content Creation - 3 Quick Tips To Turn Your Content Into Online Visibility (get Found) [print this page] Content Creation and Content Marketing offer so many advantages for the online entrepreneur. One of the most powerful advantages is massive Online Visibility, or getting found online.
The challenge for most of us is we cannot be found all over the internet. We just don't have the budgets of Google or some large corporation. That's the bad news.
The good news is you don't have to be found all over the internet. You just need to (and want to) be found all over your niche. You can do that with your content.
Turn Your Content Into Online Visibility
Here are 3 quick tips to turn your content into online visibility:
Tip 1 - Avoid the Biggest Mistake of All - This is going to sound so obvious and simple but I promise you this is the one that most people make. Most people simply create their content and fail to market it. Some how they think that the movie line "If you build it they will come" applies to their content.
It doesn't. You've got to market your content.This is another example of why you should not do what most people do because most people are broke. I don't want that for you and I know you don't want that for you, because you deserve better.
Tip 2 - Get Your Head Right About Being Visible - You must have the right mindset here. Some folks are hesitant to get visible online because they are afraid of what others may think of them.
Listen, if you've got a message inside of you that can improve the life of someone else, you not only have a right to get it out there, you in fact have an obligation to get it out there. That's how you make a difference. I do recommend keeping an open heart while you develop a thick skin.
Tip 3 - Get Your Content in Front of as Many Eyes as Possible - You want to hear from your prospects "I see you everywhere" in your niche. To do that, you need to get your content in front of as many eyes as possible.
And it's never been easier to do than it is now. Start with your blog. Then get your content on Article Directories. Then take advantage of Social Media. While you may not be able to put your entire content on a social media platform, you can easily post a title or quote with a link back to your entire content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even YouTube.
by: Jeff Herring
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