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Stroller To Buy The Security Should Be Placed First

The cold winter weather, fewer children out to play, but children are at a critical period of bone development, so in the winter parents should allow children to exercise movement. In order to increase children's interest in sports, they want to buy a motorized stroller. Stroller product is related to the issue of child safety, parents buy stroller products to children should understand some of the optional knowledge, giving children a safe and happy winter.

Stroller safety

Other drive mechanism

The spring-driven toys, battery-powered inertial drive or other power-driven institutions should be closed and should not be exposed to touch the sharp edge of a sharp point or other dangerous parts of the crushed fingers or other body parts.
Stroller To Buy The Security Should Be Placed First


Free round of mechanical or electric ride-on toys should have a braking device, generally during the braking test, start the brake toy mobile distance should not exceed 5 cm; greater than or equal to 30 kg of ride-on toys, it should be brake locking device.

Electric stroller in the tilt of the case, relax the switch, the power supply should be disconnected automatically when using the brake power should be automatically cut off. Have seen a relaxed power supply, also out of a one meter distance electric stroller. This car is in actual use downhill, stairs and other sections are prone to accidents.

Buy appropriate products by age, there are several problems that require attention, first, in the purchase of toys, bicycles should be noted that checking the maximum height of the saddle marked, should have marked the minimum insertion frame depth of permanent signs on the bicycle saddle tube , the minimum insertion mark located at a distance saddle tube inserted end of minimum 2.5 times the site of saddle tube diameter (effective portion). Second, the maximum speed of the electric bassinet should not exceed 8 km / h. At the same time, according to the need to buy stroller, buy the appropriate protective gear, such as protective helmets.

In addition, buy stroller, but also pay attention to view the age-group identification, purchase the appropriate product according to the child's age, in fact, this principle applies to the purchase of any children's toys.
Stroller To Buy The Security Should Be Placed First

The logo of the age group is used to provide a guide to choosing toys, there are three principles: First, certain characteristics of the physical toys and children toys to manipulate and play compatible, which requires understanding of a particular age group usually have a physical coordination, fine and rough action, size and strength. Toys toys and children to understand how to use the intellect, the main means to understand the use of the toy description, steps and purpose in order to stimulate the ability of children and to promote its development. Consider the intelligence of a particular age group of children is very important for children, play toys should neither be too easy nor too difficult. Toys should meet the needs and interests of the different developmental stages of children to play in the appropriate division of age groups to understand the degree of child development and the development of play materials and games environment to facilitate the various age child development is very important. Also note that children love for a specific toy object at some stage, and enhance the playability of the toy. At the same time, parents should observe children playing skill level.

Finally, a particularly noteworthy, buy stroller products the best to the big mall, buy a reputable brand. About the certification body is found in the market survey, there are significant safety hazards of products all from the commodity market, where it is also relevant departments of the difficulty of market regulation.

Stroller to buy the security should be placed first

by: charlotle

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