subject: How To Flirt With A Woman At Work - 3 Tips You Should Pay Attention To [print this page] There is a woman you work with that you like and you want to know what the best way to go about flirting with her is. You are hoping that you are going to be able to make her feel the same attraction for you that you feel for her, but you certainly don't want to end up making the wrong moves. If you do, things could get a little bit weird for you at the workplace and that's not probably the way that you want things to be when you are at your job.
Here are 3 tips for flirting with a woman at work that you should pay attention to so that things do go well.
1) Don't come on too strong when you first start to flirt with her.
This is really the way that things can get kind of weird if you are coming on way too strong with her. If you don't then you can always back off if you see that she isn't really feeling the same way about you that you are feeling about her. Besides, if she is a woman at your workplace, you usually have time on your side. It's not like when you are at a club and that night might be the only time that you ever get to see her.
2) Don't just talk about work things with her.
Chances are, you will end up making her feel like just a co worker if all you do is talk about work things. And, if you don't really have that interesting of a job, then you are not really making her feel any excitement when you are flirting with her. That's not to say that you can't talk about work things at all, it just means that you should try and move towards other topics if you can.
3) Do try to see if there are any sparks with her before you ask her out.
Things can get awkward if she is totally not attracted to you in that way and then you ask her out. So, it's good for you to wait and see if there are any sparks between you and her before you ask her out. Just make sure that if you do feel like there is real chemistry there, that you do actually ask her to go out with you. And if there is none, then you just have to figure that you don't have to just limit yourself to work, you can go and find a woman to flirt with somewhere else.
by: A.J. Smith
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