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subject: Nail Fungus Treatment Is As Much About Knowing Its Causes As How To Get Rid Of It [print this page]

Nail Fungus Treatment Is As Much About Knowing Its Causes As How To Get Rid Of It

Nail fungus treatment is easier to understand if you know what causes it to happen. Viruses, bacteria and fungi of all sorts can lead to infections in human beings, but of the fungi that ultimately lead to infections, dermatophytes are the specific fungus that attacks the toenails. They are closely related to the fungus that causes athletes foot.

There are certain conditions that are favorable for this fungus to take hold and grow. First is that the infection needs to find its way into your nails. Typically this happens by entering an opening in or around the nail, which has typically been caused by a break, cut or injury. This could be a broken toenail, separated nail, or even trauma like cutting toenails too close to the skin.

The second major condition fungus needs is a damp, warm environment in which to grow. The reason you typically see fungus grow on toenails and not fingernails is because fingernails are more likely to be exposed to the light and open air, thereby remaining dry. Because your feet are usually covered by socks and shoes, this is a more likely environment for the damp, warm conditions it needs. If you perspire a lot, or if you live or work in places that are humid and are more likely to keep your feet damp, youre more likely to breed fungus.

This is also important to keep in mind as you learn that fungus can, and often is, spread from one person to another. It usually happens in environments with lots of water. Your local health club or gym is exactly the kind of place where you need to be on guard. Any common area in which you have your shoes off and your bare feet are exposed, like the locker room, or taking a shower, should be treated carefully. If youve shared a towel with someone or shared toenail clippers, its also possible that youve spread a nail fungus.
Nail Fungus Treatment Is As Much About Knowing Its Causes As How To Get Rid Of It

Gender and your age also play into whether youre likely to suffer from toenail fungus. Men are more likely to pick up the infection than women. And if youre over the age of 60 this increases your chances. As you age, your toenails become thicker and grow more slowly; this is a more favorable condition for fungus to set in. Particular in the elderly, lessened circulation to the extremities makes it more difficult for the immune system to detect and therefore fight an infection.
Nail Fungus Treatment Is As Much About Knowing Its Causes As How To Get Rid Of It

Similarly, those with compromised immune systems due to treatments like chemotherapy or due to circulatory problems are more susceptible to picking up fungus. Being a diabetic, due to the common problems with circulation to the limbs, is particularly risky. Its doubly risky as a fungal infection left untreated can lead to serious ramifications including more system-wide infections.

Athletes typically find themselves the target of fungal infections, as their activities create very favorable conditions for infection. Trauma to the feet and toes could trigger just the right opportunity for a fungus to take hold; wearing tight-fitting athletic shoes or sneakers that hold perspiration and moisture creates the other major condition necessary for fungal growth, especially if you dont make a habit of airing out your shoes.

So in a sense nail fungus treatment then is largely about prevention if you understand these ways in which it begins. Avoiding it in the first place is your first line of defense; but if you get it know that there are a number of ways to attack fungal problems, including topical treatments and also surgical procedures you can undergo.

by: Josef Jack

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