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subject: Reasonably Priced Custom Suits From Familiar Online Tailor [print this page]

Reasonably Priced Custom Suits From Familiar Online Tailor

Wear shirts and suits designed by professional Online Tailor. We are MyOnlinetailor and running our online and retail tailoring store from Thailand. We have started our tailoring journey many years ago with very small one room retail shop with 3 tailors. We have started our business with one purpose to give quality fabric and perfect fit. In a short time of period we got good response from local customers. Within 2 years of time we became a top tailor of the city. With years of experience we thought to launch our website. We are also among top Online Tailors across the world with maximum online customers. We maintain our product quality standard by our commitment to quality and customer service.Our Tailors and cutters are high skilled and experienced. We are known for our custom made clothing. We believe in quality to achieve an extremely high degree of consistently top class workmanship. We maintain strict quality control mechanisms during tailoring. Our aim is to provide a quality fabric with high convenience. Log in to our website and order takes less than 15 minutes.

Select your style from our wide choice of styles. Whether it is Comfortable Classic fit, a slimmer Boot Cut, a Baggy style, or anything, we have the best collection for you. You can select materials from our Heavy-weight or Medium-weight. Give your measurement in our 3D measuring tool. When you visit our website and order your Custom Dress Shirts or Custom Suits. You need to enter all compulsory measurements and in the final stage it will display 3D shirt and suit for you. You can rotate it and feel like it is almost ready. We use high quality accessories like leather labels, strong rivets and also steel accessories. Once you give your measurement, it will be saved for your future ordering purpose.

Custom Suits

Our unique features are hand-stitched collars, nickel-plated zipper, lining to the trouser knee and many more. You can enjoy the distinction of wearing Custom Suits made especially for you, the luxurious feel of fine fabric and proper fit, the use of expert service all without the high price tag. On our website we make your selection easier and faster. For that, we have various categories to filter your search. You can select your budget of tailoring. Then select from our various fabrics like 100% merino wool, Super 130s merino wool, Super 160s wool and cashmere and Tropical wool. If your clothes wear is more specific like origin from, we have England and Italy origin fabric also. Our staff considers that bespoke fashion clothing is not just the only expression of dress ethics but in essence a symbol of your identity.

We are Thailand based company and factory is located in Singapore. Our office is also in Spain. We are the paradise for people who like to wear Custom Shirt. We are technology follower and bring everything needed for stitching to our clients. Our masters have experience more than 15 years. They work hard to maintain accuracy of shape, stability of style and distinctive pattern matching as they match up the making of each suit.

by: Jonsen Porter

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