subject: Children Being Safe Around Dogs [print this page] Children Being Safe Around Dogs: Children plus a dog is where it all begins and with literally millions of dogs available to families around the world the benefits of getting the right canine are immeasurable. Many people buy a dog for companionship, as over many years they have proved to be a great talking companion who will listen to your grumbles and never seem to mind how much you bore them with your small talk.
Families with children often consider getting a dog as a family pet. The benefits they can bring to their children are immense, if treated with some good old-fashioned common sense. As with any pet and especially dogs, children need to be educated into understanding that they are animals and they have different standards and needs compared to ours.
Children must be taught how to react and behave around all dogs and not just the family pet. No two canines are alike or behave the same, especially around children. All children must be taught the importance of what they can do and what they cannot do around dogs. They must learn to treat all dogs with the respect they deserve if they are to be safe around them.
They have to learn (or be taught) that a dog thinks like a dog, acts and behaves like a dog, sleeps like a dog and eats like a dog. They do not think like we humans and that is an important difference. Many people will tell you that their dog is almost human, almost but not quite. We want to think of them as like us, but they are not and when people learn that simple lesson then dogs and people get on well together.
The benefits of owning the right breed of dog for your families' lifestyle can bring untold benefits to the whole family and not just kids.
It has been noted that children brought up with pets have better self-worth, greater empathy and an abundance of social skills that contribute to their being a better citizen.
A dog, of the right type, can teach loyalty, which is very important to a child especially in later life.
Children can learn about responsibility, compassion and respect for another living thing just by helping to look after their own dog along with the guidance of their parents.
It has been proven that if a young baby has cat or dog in their home in their first year of life that they do not suffer as much from allergies like asthma and also it improves their immune system.
The simple action of a human either stroking or cuddling a dog can reduce stress. Dogs are now being used in helping troubled kids and children with disabilities to get back on the right path.
Being involved with the day-to-day activities of owning a pet can help you, along with your children, become more relaxed and that alone has to be a bonus in the hectic world of today.
The benefit of a regular daily dose of exercise while walking your dog is great for helping to keep your heart in better working order. Dragging children away from their computers and electronic games is always a problem and often children will offer to accompany you when walking the dog.
Teaching children to get along with a dog must come from the parents. A child naturally trusts a dog without reserve until he or she does something the child dislikes. It is up to the parents of the child to teach respect of their pets' needs and the dangers of becoming too familiar with the dog concerned.
It is a balancing act between the needs of your child and the basic needs of your dog. Owning a dog should be fun for the child concerned, which helps to create a greater bond between the two.
Remember one is human and one an animal and no children must ever be left alone with any dog, even if you think that it is beyond reproach.
by: Ian Nicholson
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