subject: Dogs Struggle With Diarrhea Too [print this page] Many families have pets that are loved and cared for like children. They provide unconditional love just by being there. There is sweetness in coming home to be met by our favorite furry friends. However, when they struggle with diarrhea, it is exhausting in cleaning up after them and finding a solution.
Of course, one will take their dog to the veterinarian to be sure there are no parasites or other problems, but one still needs a method to bring the diarrhea under control and give our four legged friend help.
One afternoon at a recent conference, I found myself sitting next to a veterinarian. We started talking about bacteria in the GI tract. I asked his opinion about the contents of bacteria in his four legged patients. His said, Even though the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract differ in percentages and amounts, the types are frequently the same. We are perhaps more like our favorite furry friends than some would care to admit.
Paul is a friend of mine that inherited his daughters dog when she had to move and the new apartment wouldnt allow her to keep her pet. So he came to live at Pauls home. As we were visiting, he expressed concern because the dog was having diarrhea for no known reason. The food hadnt changed, and the dog knew the family well and still saw their daughter frequently, but the diarrhea was unmanageable. And the veterinarian hadnt found anything wrong.
They were at their wits end with cleaning up the bathroom and they felt so bad having the dog stay there because it was the only area without carpeting. I shared my success with probiotics used in a little rectal application. He was intrigued with the procedure and asked if I would help.
He drove his dog over while his wife cleaned the bathroom one more time. His adorable dog sat quietly as I administered the treatment. And then wagged his tail and licked my hands when I was done. Sometimes, I wonder if they instinctively know when help has arrived.
Off they drove to a clean room and a bowl full of dinner. The next morning, the bathroom was clean and the dog had a nice firm normal elimination on his morning walk. What a relief! Paul said when he called later that morning. As a follow up, the diarrhea hasnt returned.
Science knows the importance of probiotic bacteria in the intestines of all mammals, however getting it through the digestive acids of the stomach can be a challenge. Dont let your dog suffer unnecessarily.
So many of us love our animals and want to provide the best care possible. How many times have you looked upon your ailing pet, wishing that they could communicate in English? It is at these times that I feel powerless and inadequate. Wanting to help, to provide care, to ease pain and not knowing what to do. Perhaps the most important point is to realize our similarities with the animal kingdom. It is with this knowledge that one might adjust their care to be more holistic.
by: Victoria Bowmann
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