subject: Interested In Making Money Online? [print this page] If you've got a company that's doing pretty good, then you must be always looking for ways to improve your profits. After all, in the business world, unless you are moving forward, you are standing still and are going to lose out to your competition. Luckily, it's easier than ever these days to expand into the online world. Even if you don't know much about websites and website design, there's plenty of easy ways to get started. In this article, you are going to learn all you need to know in order to be successful.
One of the cheapest ways to make money online is to get organic traffic. That means somebody types a few words, usually called a keyword phrase, into the search engines, and a bunch of results pop up. If your website is listed in those results, you are going to get a lot of free traffic. Naturally, if they are interested in buying something, a certain percentage of that traffic is going to be paying customers. So how do you do this? Easy. You configure your website so that the search engines recognize it for what kind of site it is. For example, if you sell dog food, then make sure the words, "dog food" are in plenty of places on your site.
Also, make sure that words related to "dog food" are on your site as well. It's also important to put those words in between various tags, like your H1, H2, H3 and META tags. This will further help you get ranked higher in the search engines for those terms.
Social networking is also major. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are all sites that get millions of visitors every day. It's important to create a presence on each one of these. That way, you'll be attracting visitors not only from the search engines, but from these social marketing sites as well. While it can be time consuming, all of these sites are free. If you dedicate an hour a day to online marketing, it won't take long before you are making some serious money.
Once people get to your site, it's got to be easy to understand, and easy to navigate. Not only that, but it's got to attract your visitors attention. Unlike a regular store, where people have to make an effort to get to, people online can click anywhere with a minimum of thought and movement. That means if they get even the slightest big bored or confused on your site, they're gone.
That's precisely why your site has to be interesting. No matter where they go on your site, you've got to be providing them with relevant information. Nobody is really concerned how long you've been in business or what you had for breakfast. Everybody is concerned with what's in it for them. So make sure everything on your site is centered around some kind of benefit for the visitor. The more interesting you make it, the more likely they'll stick around and buy something.
It's also important to get analytics installed on your site. The most popular analytics program is from Google, and it's totally free. It will tell you where your visitors are coming from, how long they are staying on your site, and what pages they are visiting most. This is crucial knowledge you can use to construct your site as efficiently as possible.
Another great idea is to collect email addresses from everybody who visits your site. That way, you'll be able to create a newsletter than you can mail out from time to time. This will keep visitors engaged, and it will also help them to remember you. Keep in mind that most people visit hundreds of sites in a week, and unless they are reminded, they will quickly forget them.
When you follow these tips, you'll have a lot more chance of online success. You'll be able to grow your business, make more money, and enjoy your time off.
by: Winston Takeda
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