subject: Low Back Pain Responds To Light Treatment [print this page] @2012 Victoria Bowmann, PhD @2012 Victoria Bowmann, PhD
When technology combines two concepts, it is cleared by the FDA for over the counter use, and a Harvard study shows 93% success in pain relief, it's high on my list of something to consider. I'd like to share a story of the success with low back pain.
An assistant basketball coach from the University of Louisiana came by the LaserTouchOne (LTO) booth at the National Athletic Trainers" Association Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposia in New Orleans. He was complaining that he had such intense pain in his lower back that he had to ask his wife to tie his shoes each morning; this had been going on for about ten days. His athletic trainer colleagues had not been able to ease the pain and so he had made an appointment for the next day to see a physician and get a CAT scan. This guy was willing to try anything! He sat down in our booth so we could do a demonstration on him. After about 3 minutes into the demo, he got up, stretched, twisted and said, "Yeah, it feels better now but tomorrow morning will tell the truth". He left shortly after. We encouraged him to come by in the morning so that we could do another demo on him.
The next morning, before the announcer could even declare the show was open for the day, he came BOUNDING down the aisle with a shining face and declared, "I can"t believe it! I am a new man!" He was totally amazed "" for the first time in almost two weeks he jumped out of bed that morning and even tied his own shoes. He was going to call his doctor and cancel his appointment. He could not thank us enough! Needless to say, he is talking to his colleagues about the LTO.
The two concepts are low level laser light and micro electrical stimulation. The method of success is the combined therapy increases ATP in the cells. The important role of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is for the majority of cellular functions. It is required for all movement, it is critically involved in maintaining cell structure, cell metabolism and cellular respiration, and it has signaling capacity that is important in both the central and peripheral nervous system. When a cell stops working properly, it slows the production of ATP and is not able to heal and repair itself.
The LTO gives professionals an additional tool and appeals to the consumer for effectiveness and convenience. What a pleasure it is to have this kind of feedback in the line of work we have all chosen to be in - it kind of makes your day.
About Victoria Bowmann, PhD
Dr. Victoria Bowmann received her PhD in homeopathy and natural medicine from Westbrook University as well as a doctorate in homeopathic medicine from the British Institute of Homeopathy. She is also a licensed massage and certified colon therapist in the state of Arizona. Bowmann is a regular contributor to several national publications, has been interviewed on television and radio, and has delivered numerous presentations internationally. She has personally trained physicians and colon hydrotherapist and wrote a widely used training manual on GI Health and reflorastation. Her private practice is located in Phoenix, Ariz., and Bowmann lives by the motto, "Happiness is a choice."
by: Victoria Bowmann
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