subject: Developing A Global Mindset Without Leaving Your Desk - Webinar By Trainhr [print this page] Overview : Because we have profound confirmation of the impacts of globalization on our US business environment in recent responses of our stock markets to events and financial situations all the way around the world, it is important for us to be as knowledgably as we can be about how the economy work, how different countries work and how we can work with them.
It is highly unlikely that we personally or through our companies will be able to travel to every country or possible destination to learn as much as we can about how conduct business there successfully, so we have to look for other avenues of education. In many ways we are enriched by the availability of technology and in this case it is one of the primary tools we can use to explore and learn about so many things outside our everyday frame of reference.
However, to be as purposeful as we need to be in making the learning valuable to us and retaining what we learn, we need to have a plan of action that leverages our learning styles and allows us the opportunity to retain as much of our learning experience as possible. We also must be able to identify and validate the information we glean from our research and study efforts so that we can build as dynamic and comprehensive understanding as we are able. In our program we will review the term Global Mindset so that we have a common understanding of the term and focus of our discussion. We will look at what it is that we want and need to know as we move into other countries to do business or to work in partnership. We will identify some of the key reasons that spending the time to learn about other cultures is important to us, regardless of our particular business. We will explore opportunities to know more about the way we learn and how that impacts the way we study and learn. We will identify the issues around learning styles and ways to be sure that our efforts to learn are fruitful. We will discuss how to validate our learnings and discuss resources available for enhancing our perspectives. We will conclude with our discussion by discussing the methodology for building an action plan that will support us on our pathway to learning.
The key to successful learning is in our intent and the purposefulness with which we approach the process. Identifying the countries that are likely destinations or points of interest are critical. It is one thing to be looking at the country as a vacation destination, but doing business successfully there or interacting successfully in the business environment requires a very different understanding and approach. Our session will elaborate on some of the technologically available resources and how useful they are. We will look at the benefit of multiple resources and data gathering efforts to create a more comprehensive overview. We will discuss methodologies for testing our learning and validating our perspectives and understanding. We will explore opportunities to enhance learning through interactions and networking via linked in and other social and professional networking tools.
Why should you attend : Being a part of todays business environment, every family and every business is somehow called on to interact with business environments outside the US. Even our television shows these days are featuring characters from other cultures who during the course of the programs, are sharing some insights into their culture and perspectives. That is all helpful, but we cant believe EVERYTHING we see on TV, especially on the dramas or sitcoms that are so popular. On some of the reality shows, like Amazing Race, we do get introduced to brief snippets of culture as the team battle for their $1,000,000. And we benefit by being able to learn a little more than we did before, but not nearly enough to help us do business! There are significant costs associated with doing business globally or interacting globally, not the least of which is attached to the value of our time! Being sure that we are able to be as knowledgably as possible before we begin our interaction is sure to save us time, energy and ultimately money.
It is not likely that we will be able to live in a country, or even visit briefly to be able to inquire about the culture and the nuances that are important to successful interactions and business success. However, with the world at our fingertips these days, there is a lot we can learn if we are purposeful in our approach and if we use the world wide web to support our efforts. We can minimally become more comfortable personally with some facts about our destination country and we can leverage our learning to help others in our organization, family and community to be more effective approaching other countries for service or sales!
Areas Covered in the Session
What is a global mindset?
What do we need to know about other countries?
Why is this important to me?
How do I learn?
How do I validate what I see and learn on the internet and from other resources
How can I build an action plan for success
Who Will Benefit:
HR Managers
Senior Management
Mid-level managers
Employee Relationship Manager
Staffing Manager
Ms. Woodard serves currently as the President and Chief N Sights Officer for Nina E. Woodard & Associates. She launched this company upon her return to the US at the end of third quarter 2008. Using customized executive coaching and strategic business consulting strategies, Ms. Woodard strives to heighten confidence in business leaders as they move into the Indian market place, help them increase their understanding of the cultural nuances influencing business in India and to engage in more meaningful and productive communications with India colleagues all for the purpose of increasing business results.
Prior to founding Nina E. Woodard & Associates, Ms. Woodard served as the Executive Director for Strategic Human Resource Management India Pvt. Ltd. a wholly own subsidiary of Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) US. In that role she assisted in building the new business entity in India and to provide support for Business Development and Marketing efforts. Prior to her position with SHRM India, Nina served as the Managing Director of Aradhanaa Human Resources Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. her own Indian based company founded in June 2002.
In May 2002 she retired from her position as Sr. Vice President of Human Resources for Standard Chartered Bank, PLC, a London headquartered International Bank, whose focus is primarily in Emerging Markets to build her own global consulting practice.
Nina's career has encompassed 32 years in the field of banking. Her rich Human Resources background includes leadership roles in practical day to day activity as well as significant change initiatives, including M and A work and establishing a shared services center for finance. She has worked across North, Central and South America, in the Middle East and in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan. These experiences have given her a truly global business perspective. In all of her roles she worked as an HR Strategic Business Partner with the line managers she supported.
Ms. Woodard currently serves on the Board of Operation Eyesight Universal and the Finance Committee for Saint Thomas More Catholic Church. She is the mentor and business coach for See N Recruit and Husys Consulting in India. She serves as a member of the advisory team for World HR Congress and Asia Pacific HR Congress.
She has a Bachelors Degree in Management. She also has a Graduate degree in Banking from Pacific Coast School of Banking. She is a graduate of American Banking Institute Graduate School of Human Resources and is certified a Senior Professional in Human Resources and a Global Professional in Human Resources by Society for Human Resource Management. She is currently serving as the President Elect for San Diego SHRM and for Women Business Enterprise Council WEST and a member of the Finance Committee for Saint Thomas More, Church.
by: TrainHR
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