subject: Easy Way To Yourself [print this page] Think about the last time you purchased something for your business. Many purchases are commodities these days in that you can get the same thing or a similar thing almost anywhere. So why did you buy where you did?
The chances are that its because you started to like and trust the person who was doing the selling. Its a fact, people buy people and this is why business relationships and referral recommendations are so important for your business.
Your key to success is to be able to sell yourself in a positive way and lets face it, selling doesnt come naturally to everybody (me included), so its important to take time and consider how you can develop that certain je ne sais quoi that make you stand out from the crowd.
Selling yourself is not about being quick witted, foot in the door and pressuring to close, its about being you and being genuine. Consider the four business networking tips below and you too can stand out from the crowd.
First of all be the genuine article and dont put on an act. After a while youll find it difficult to keep up the act and just like a lie, one lie leads to another. As you go forward you become increasingly more of a fake and people start to see through you.
If youre seen as a fake then how can you expect anyone to trust you? Like me, you may think that youre not the most charismatic person in the world but if you take time to discover your passions then its all change.
Think back to when you met someone or listened to someone who was truly passionate about what they do. These people are the most convincing and most importantly their passion is infectious and will sweep you along too. Remember, you cant fake passion.
To discover your passions, take some time out to remember how your felt when you last got a real buzz from your business. Its now time to take that feeling and bottle it.
When youre next talking about your business, open the bottle on that situation that gave you the buzz and you will be unstoppable. Not only will you be talking passionately about your business but youll also be feeling good too!
Now that youre on a high, think about how you can help others. Not only will this take you to a level of satisfaction that you maybe have never achieved before but most importantly you will be remembered! People will start to sell you your business, without any more effort from yourself. This is one of the most simple yet effective business networking techniques you can learn.
Finally, take responsibility for your actions and dont expect it to happen overnight. All good things take time so just because you dont see the results immediately dont get disheartened and dont blame others.
It is down to you, no one else. Accept it, and look at how you can improve and start again. Every time you work at it you will get better and better and so its back to the old story - its better to be the tortoise and not the hare.
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