subject: How To Achieve Real Network Marketing Success [print this page] In order to achieve network marketing success you need to know some basics about building relationships. Network marketing is not considered a sales business. When many of us start out in network marketing we are left to believe that we can only succeed by going out and harassing our friends and family until we start to sound like a sleazy used car salesman to everyone around us. We need to learn how to establish relationships, and put ourselves in the thinking of our prospect.
We also need to have the right system set up that will allow us to generate leads. The key to network marketing success is all about generating leads.
This system that I am talking about is not the system that your upline tries to get you to follow. When you use this system it will allow you to break away from the pitiful direction of your sponsor and become a top earner, and achieve network marketing success in any company you decide to be involved with.
This system will have your upline begging to know how you sign up dozens of distributers every week and make a very nice 10,000 to 20,000 dollar a month income.
Forget everything your upline has ever told you about network marketing success and listen up. There are a few components to this system and I am going to give you the main ones. This system costs pennies to set up and is literally priceless in the fact that it works for you even when you are sleeping.
The first component is called the lead capture or squeeze page. This is a piece of internet real-estate where you exchange something of value for a persons name and email address. A lead capture page is extremely easy to set up. There are places out there that allow you to easily customize your own lead capture page for very little money.
The second component is called the marketing funnel. There are several things involved with this part of the system, but with the right formula your marketing funnel will store your prospects information into an auto-responder and drive them into your network marketing company on complete auto-pilot. If done right, this will allow for complete network marketing success.
The third part of the puzzle is personality. You must know how relate to your prospect and put yourself in their shoes. You must also give as much value as possible.
If you ever hope to get this system right you must find a mentor that can show you step by step how to put these things together. I went through massive trial, error, and an untold fortune to learn what I now know. I am driven to keep others from making the same mistakes, by showing them the system that can build massive down-lines with any network marketing company.
by: Dillon Randall
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