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Pet Travel Is Now Possible

Things happen in life when we have to make a decision at the spur of the moment, and sometimes these decisions include going immediately on a trip. However, there are things we cannot just shove inside a suitcase like pets. Who will take them in at such short notice? Toting your pets along with your should pose no problem, in fact it's a lot better than leaving them for a few days at some unknown shelter.

You'll find that a lot of airlines do transport pets. If you have a small pet, you can put it inside a small kennel and inquire with the airline if they'll let you bring it with you inside the craft, chances are they'll let you do it. For large animals, chances are they will be held in the cargo area where the temperature and pressure is carefully controlled. Most airlines allow pets on board, but just to be sure, talk it over with airline personnel before you buy the tickets. If you normally book your tickets online, make it a point to call the airline to confirm arrangements for your pet.

It is standard procedure for airlines to request that reservations be made as well for the animals that will be brought on board so that they'll have a definite count. Booking for pet seats are no different from regular seats, there is still a chance that it will be fully booked if you don't do the reservations early on. A health certificate is necessary to bring your pet on board an aircraft. A health certificate is effective for 10 days and can be procured from your local vet. But for longer trips, you may have to secure another one for your return home.

A kennel or carrier is definitely necessary. Animal carriers or kennels are easily available at any pet shop. It should be easy enough to find one which can fit your pet, it even has padded walls to protect your pet while they're inside. Choose a kennel that will pass muster at the airline, you don't want to buy one that you cannot carry it inside the plane. Don't be afraid to ask the personnel if you don't know which one to purchase.

Tranquilizing your pet is no longer an issue. If traveling on a plane lulls you to sleep, it would have the same effect on your pet. What you can do is to train your pet to stay in the crate during the flight. But other than that, you don't need to worry about anything! We bid you and your pet "Bon Voyage!"

by: Eric Steffan

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