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subject: Requirement & Benefits Of Network Outsourcing [print this page]

According to a recent research conducted by Gartner, it is revealed that selective network outsourcing along with managed network services is going to be the dominant trends for enterprises for the forthcoming years. This indicates that small and large scale companies are going to make use of complete network outsourcing.

At the same time, there is a chance that your organization is presently considering or utilizing some kind of managed network service provider. Therefore, what is it that you can do or implement to retain your value and significance as an IT professional in todays networking outsourcing era?

Taking the Lead Approach

It is a fact that no external managed network solution provider can have a clear idea of the nuances of your enterprises IT operation. Much organizations that have decided to outsource their IT requirements are following the practice of having an in-house person to administer outsourcing initiatives and is generally known as the IT coordinator.

The role and task of the IT coordinator can be very rewarding and challenging. A person working on this profile needs to undertake the accountability of making sure that the enterprise is getting all kinds of service support delineated in the contract. It is the function of the IT coordinators to raise the red flags when an SLA has not catered to and a service is not offered. Furthermore, this person also might have a crucial role to play in important projects and executions that a network outsourcing company offers.

Industry Solutions for Network Outsourcing

Today leading service providers of IT infrastructure management understand all the concerns that the market faces. These service providers with the help of customer feedback and technological innovation have established a unique "Design - Implement - Consult Engineering approach in delivering advanced network outsourcing solutions. These solutions highlight usages-based, application aware and a virtualized environment. The services are conceptualized, deployed and offered keeping in mind the overall service suite that includes the following:

LAN management

WAN management

WLAN management

Unified Communications



IP Contact Center management

Network Operations Center

Network System Integration Services

Network Consulting Services

Network Implementation Services

However, prior to joining hands with a solution provider it is essential to assess your network outsourcing requirements, budget capacities and evaluate the services offered by the solution provider. It helps you in making a meaningful investment with long term benefits.

by: Martinlobo
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