subject: Online Recruitment Is Not The Only Option For Finding Employees [print this page] Online recruitment can be used effectively for finding suitable employees, but it often comes with a heavy price that may outweigh the benefits. The Internet offers the advantage of a wider degree of exposure at minimal costs, but unfortunately, the flip side of the coin offers some serious disadvantages, where a wider degree of exposure can elicit a wider degree of unwanted responses.
Ideally online recruitment, although it offers many advantages should be combined with other available options. These benefits do not only assist hiring personnel, but they can also be of benefit to the applicants.
Employees can be encouraged to refer other employees for available vacancies. It has been noticed that there is less staff turnover with employees who have been referred. Employers can offer rewards, such as cash prizes, bonuses, or even company stock or extra vacation days for referring employees who may eventually get hired, and remain with the company for a specified period.
There is no apparent disadvantage to this procedure, but the program should be enabled with some guidelines and procedures, and the rewards should also be in line with the company policy. Another option that can be used to compliment online recruitment, is hiring from within.
The most suitable candidate for any job may be someone who is already working in the company. This can often be used to motivate other employees, when rewards and accolades are offered in return for effort and dedication. Promoting employees also shortens the training periods and learning curve, because the employee is already familiar with company policy, culture and procedures. He or she may also be familiar with the new duties.
There is a risk involved, where others employees may be negatively affected with feelings of being neglected, unrecognized and can be demoralized. Skillful managers should be trained and able to handle these circumstances where the individuals professional goals are re-aligned and the proper tools and resources are made available to assist in preparation for any foreseeable opportunity.
The working world is undergoing dramatic changes, but employers are still constantly seeking specialized skills in specific areas as the cost of developing the expertise may be prohibitive or the time needed to develop the skill is inadequate. Hiring managers can use a number of different tools for recruitment. Online recruitment utilizes the power provided by the Internet, to gain easy access to potential candidates, who may be anywhere in the world, but it should not be used in isolation.
Almost every industry is involved in recruiting online, and in some industries, the use is growing faster than others. It is used effectively to lower the budget for recruitment, and to streamline the operation of many businesses. Although there may be downsides, these disadvantages can be overcome, the process can be used in collaboration with other recruitment programs.
The process includes not only listing on job sites, but other forms of advertising such as media buying, and the entire process, can be fully automated, up to the point where the candidate is selected.
Not only is the world of work changing, but, the way in which employees are found is changing as more companies use online recruitment. Online recruitment is now also used to manage costs.
by: ador talukdar
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