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subject: The Hair Dryer A Woman's Friend [print this page]

The hair dryer is a hand held appliance that is used for drying and styling hair. There are lots of products on the market. A hair dryer can be found in stores or online. The appliance ranges in price from approximately ten dollars to a few hundred dollars. Hair dryers come in all shapes and sizes. There are many different models that can become confusing to the consumer.

As to the history of the hair dryer, it was created in the 1920's. This first model was large and bulky. It had a problem of overheating a lot of the time. A more reliable model was not introduced until the 1950's. Households found this model to be easier to use. It was a small blower with a pink plastic cap attached for women to dry their hair with.

Currently there are many types of hair dryers. Cheap hair dryers give off positive ions that cause hair to frizz and look dull. Ceramic blowers emit negative ions which helps hair retain its shine. The hair also does not have as much static.

Recently there has been a new type of hair dryer entering the marketplace. It is called the Ionic Dryer. This hair dryer shrinks the water droplets on the hair causing it to dry faster. This type of dryer leaves the hair sleek and shiny.

Another type of hair drying unit is the Ceramic Blow Dryer. This type of hair dryer heats evenly and does not get too hot for the hair. It uses radiant heat which penetrates the individual strand instead of drying the outside of the hair first. These units can dry your hair approximately seventy percent quicker. It also uses the Ionic technology which is a double benefit for the user.

The newest type of dryer is the Tourmaline. This type of dryer is industrial strength and used in many salons. It uses tourmaline gemstones on the coils. Using this type of coils actually produces more negative ions. This process causes the hair to dry father and leaves it looking sleeker and any other type of dryer.

A working woman needs a hair dryer. There are many types in stores all around the country. It is best for the consumer to do their research before buying anything. Decide what your hair goals are and then find a model that meets that. The woman needs to remember that practice with the dryer is the best way not to have bad hair days.

by: Peter Gitundu

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