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subject: How To Obtain Parking Permits In Lowell For Mover Trucks [print this page]

How To Obtain Parking Permits In Lowell For Mover Trucks

Being the fourth largest city in Massachusetts keeps the Parking Department of Lowell on its toes. The planned urban community developed around the Merrimack River is home to thousands. The city of Lowells Parking Departments main object is to provide the residents and visitors with a clean, well-facilitated parking environment. Another effort to ensure consumer satisfaction is providing the Lowell Movers with parking permits for their trucks.

Parking Garages

The best and the safest place to park in Lowell are the well maintained garages. The garages in Lowell are equipped with latest technological devices for smooth functioning. They are monitored round-the-clock by surveillance cameras. The security of the garages has been outsourced to Madison Security, who provides twenty four hour on location security. The safe garages of Lowell are the best place for a fully loaded or semi loaded mover truck.

Parking Meters and Kiosks

Besides the garages one can also avail the on-street parking by using the convenient parking meters and kiosks.

The parking meters and kiosks are operational Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

The user-friendly meters and kiosk accepts coins, credit cards and debit cards.

After you have entered your parking space number, you need to pay for the duration you wish to park in.

You can park for a maximum of two hours.

You need to buy a new parking receipt after two hours.

The receipt needs to be displayed for as long as the vehicle is parked in , on the dashboard of the vehicle.

You have to pay for the number of spaces occupied by the vehicle.

Pavement Parking

It is the most convenient to have the mover truck places closest to the house or office where the belongings are being loaded or unloaded. However, parking on a pavement close to your home requires special permits. You can apply for special permits by contacting the Parking Department at:

Parking Department

75, John Street, Lowell, MA 01852

978 674 4014

Working Hours: Monday to Friday between 8:00 am to 5:00pm

These applications need to be sent in at least fifteen days in advance with a letter clearly stating the need for the specialized parking permit. The Parking Department will review the request and act upon it within seven days of receipt of application. The area designated by the parking permit has to follow the rules and regulations of the area it belongs to. The parking permit has to be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle for the validity of the parking permit.

The Police Department of Lowell has to right to conduct an on-site inspection of the parked vehicle. The parking permit has to be displayed upon request by the police officers. The holder of the parking permit has to be available either in person or over the phone during these inspections. The area designated in the parking permit has to be marked by safety cones and relevant signboards.

by: Oded Carmi

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