subject: Online Loans With Bad Credit - Getting A Peer To Peer Loan With Bad Credit! [print this page] Regardless of your credit score, getting a peer to peer loan may be a great idea. Peer to peer loans offer many advantages and here are just some of the reasons why getting a peer to peer loan with great, good, average, or bad credit may be a great idea!
1.) Any Credit Grade
Any credit grade is accepted when getting a Prosper peer to peer loan. From AA to HR, whatever your credit grade may be, a peer to peer loan can be a good option when you want or need funds.
2.) Loan Amounts
The loan amounts stretch from $2,000 to $25,000. This is significant because if you need more money, you can get it when a peer to peer loan. Investors are eager to invest more because they can earn slightly more off of the interest rates once the payments are made.
3.) Anonymous Borrowing System
The borrower is anonymous to the lender, which is a great attribute of many peer to peer loan websites. This allows the borrower to list their loan anonymously to the lender, something a lot of borrowers like and definitely think of as an advantage when getting a peer to peer loan!
4.) Long Time To Payback The Loan
One of the advantages to getting a peer to peer loan is the time that you have to pay back the loan. Person to person loan networks usually give a choice or 1 year, 3 years or 5 years for the borrower to payback the loan. By spreading out payments, the monthly payments will likely be lower and offer a great option for borrowers who are looking for lower monthly payments and a longer payback time when paying off their loan!
5.) Speed Of Getting A Loan
With many banks as well as other loan sites, it can be a long time until you have your account funded with the loan. This can really put people in a jam because when people need the funds fast, waiting a long time isn't really the best option. With peer to peer lending sites, online loans are generally funded very fast once they are funded and approved. This is a great aspect to peer to peer lending sites, having the money in your account fast and not having to wait a long time really helps people use the loan for what they want or need.
by: Aiden Snider
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