subject: Is It Right To Pay Off Credit Card With A Loan? [print this page] With just one swipe, they can readily buy almost anything they need. Unfortunately, many are also abusing the use of their credit cards. Often, card owners feel very confident about getting the things they want because of this plastic card. Some even forget the charges that come every time the card is used for purchases and cash advances. They find out only later the high cost they have incurred due to the card when they receive their bill that states a huge balance and interest charges.
Indeed numerous people fall into this category. But its never too late to start taking action to correct this attitude and pay for your debts. Its always better late than never, right? The question is where do you start? This is a common question asked by people who suffer from huge debts which continue to bother them every day of their lives. Some turn to the short term loans such as the payday and cash advance loans. But then again, is this the right thing to do? If we were to ask financial experts, they have no right answer to this concern. Choosing this option has its good and bad points. In other words depending on ones financial situation, this path may or may not be a good solution.
Using a loan to pay a credit card balance of say $5,000 is considered a valid idea. This is if youre having difficulty paying your monthly due or worse, youve missed payments for a number of months. You can opt for this to stay away from penalties, late payment charges and higher interest rates.
Again, attitude counts a lot when managing your finances. If youre committed to paying off your credit card balance using a payday or cash advance loan, you need to be responsible that your loan is also paid on time.
Careful planning is crucial before you make your final decision. There are many aspects to consider and doing your homework will definitely help you make the right choice. Its essential that you find out first the rate of interest on your card and the penalty imposed for missing payments. You will need this information when you search for the right short term lending company and compare their rates. If you dig deep and analyze, credit cards and loans both involve interest charges. The only difference is that penalties accumulate fast if you miss several credit card payments. Every missed payment results in higher interest which can really be a burden to any credit card holder.
On the other hand, personal loans dont accumulate interest that fast and you can even arrange for a repayment schedule thats more affordable for you. Another advantage is that with a loan, your attention will then be focused on paying just the amount you borrowed and what this means is peace of mind and less stress on your part.
by: D.S.Dhillon
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