subject: Auto Accessories Innovation And Tips For Car Protection [print this page] As car owners it seems that we never tire of finding the latest accessories for our favorite vehicle. And the makers of the accessories are more than happy to keep feeding us with the new stuff to satisfy our appetite. From the latest audio and video gadgets to the coolest lighting accessories there is seemingly no limit to what we can outfit Keep Reading our cars with. Even the specialty retailer, Brookstone has gotten into the act with an automotive accessory section on their website. On the site you can find such items as a universal charger that plugs into the 12v car charger and can power pretty much any appliance you may have. Additional items on the site include specialty tire gauges and custom mirrors that reduce blind spots. There are numerous other sites and retail stores that will happily offer you the latest and greatest accessory for your vehicle. Just take a look around.
You can't be certain that your car will be safe wherever you go. You can't even be certain that it is safe when you are already parking it in your own house. This is because there are people who will, and who can, take your possession away if they really want to. So how will you protect your car from being stolen? Here are a few tips.
Park your car in an attended area. It is hard for potential threats to target a car in attended lots. When you must leave a key with the attendant, leave only the ignition key.
Park your car in well-lighted areas. Never leave your car in a dark place. Potential threats often target those cars that are parked in the dark because it's hard to identify if the car is being intruded.
Secure the windows and lock the doors. Whenever you leave your car, be sure your car's windows are completely closed. Also remember to lock ALL doors of your car.
Secure your garage. When at home and you park your car in your garage, make sure your garage is well-secured. There are three ways to secure your garage.
1. Add another bolt and padlock on the opposite side.
2. Install a pair of cane bolts to the inside. These bolts should only be operable from the inside.
3. Add a top center hasp. It must be of hardened steel and installed with carriage bolt through the door or gate.
Use a minimum standard exterior padlock for your garage. Never hide the key outside as most hiding places are obvious to the burglars.
by: loveboa
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