subject: The Importance Of Starting A Personal Budget [print this page] Managing your finances should be one of your top priorities. A personal budget is one of the best methods to control the flow of your money and understand why you spend it. It is important to remember that it is a tool and will only work as well as you use it. You can use it to plan for your retirement, get out from under crushing debt and afford luxury items you never thought you could afford.
Don't get discouraged when developing your plan if it needs a few changes here and there. It does not mean you have failed. It just means you haven't found the right formula yet. When it is balanced out correctly you should be able to live reasonably comfortable, put money away for savings and pay off your debts simultaneously. The importance of maintaining the habit of saving for the future cannot be stressed enough. Get started as soon as possible.
If you can take at least 1% of your income in the beginning from your paycheck you can start your savings. If you already have a savings plan then stick with it. Even small amounts will add up over time and you can always increase the amount you take as bills get paid off and you have more disposable income. Your financial plan will succeed based upon the habits you create and maintain.
Creating a spreadsheet to track your bills and monthly income is required. You do not need anything fancy to do this. It can be a simple spreadsheet on the computer or a legal pad and ink pen will do nicely. The main point is that you see how much income you have each month and where it goes. Track everything you spend and see where expenditures can be cut.
Separating the money into available cash and reserved bill money will make it a lot easier. Tally up the bills and put enough money in the bank to cover them and keep the rest as cash. Since you already know exactly how much money you have to spend you will be less likely to go over budget. Put the debit card away and do not be tempted to use it because there will not be enough money in the account to cover the purchase.
Look for new ways to stretch your dollar. Clipping grocery coupons is an excellent way to put extra money back into the budget. The Sunday newspaper is an excellent source of coupons in most cities. You can even ask friends and family for their used papers if they do not use the coupons and sales. Unused services like monthly gym memberships and expensive cable packages should also be considered as fair game to be temporarily eliminated.
Don't just create a spreadsheet and then walk away from it. Keep a close eye on it and see how things change monthly. It may not begin quickly at first but persistence will show things are getting better. As credit cards are paid off use the funds to make payments on the principle of other credit cards. This will help get a snowball effect going and pay off things quickly.
You have in your hands the ability to make a personal budget. With it you have the power to completely rearrange your life and created the way you want it to be. As long as you stay committed you will get out of debt and little much better life.
by: Tracy Narvaez
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