subject: How To Make Children [print this page] He became very problematic these days, not listening to any of the family members, always into fight with her sister, not eating food and is throwing it in dump, when I am not noticing", etc are the complaints arising from our mothers on a daily basis. There could be many more complaints coming in this list if we keep on counting. But one single question needs to be answered by all mothers that have you ever inquired about why your child is becoming a problem child?
If we think of a general or single reason for their undisciplined behavior, it,s difficult because every undisciplined act from child is due to different reasons in different occasions. The only possible way out is continuous monitoring from parents and elders without disturbing their personal freedom as a child. One of the main motives for a child to misbehave could be the eagerness to know about their limits or boundaries kept by their parents. To experiment this things and know more about their individual freedom, in each level they try to test our patients. But for this reason rather becoming red eyed, we could simply make them understand basic discipline and rules. In many cases over imposing of certain rules leads to the worse situation and the child feel burdened and irritated. Instead of commanding be very pleasant with children and make them understand rules and regulations with daily life examples and you can see the drastic difference by yourself.
Other than these common signs - illness, boring atmosphere, sibling rivalry, and academic troubles all cause for a problem child behavior. So observing kids carefully in a very friendly and joyful manner is the best possible way for any parent to calm the condition. A key role can be played by the teachers and schools in molding a child with appropriate discipline and manners. If we take our country as an example, there are many international schools in India who give as much importance to personality developments as academics. Especially in metro cities like Hyderabad the call for international schools are increasing as the parent seems to be occupied and may be because of this number of international schools in Hyderabad is growing with positive learning method to lighten the burden of studies. Children require attention all the time and if they are getting it from all sources like family, school, teachers, friends etc then we should not worry much about their behavior as they love to imitate elders.
by: Oak
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