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subject: Clear Braces Offer A More Aesthetic Solution To Achieving Straighter Teeth [print this page]

As adults, many of us desire straighter teeth, but avoid treatment because we don't want to deal with metal braces. Thankfully, with advancements in dentistry, you can now achieve a straighter smile with clear braces, also known as Invisalign. With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth invisibly-no one will even notice that you are undergoing treatment!

The Importance of Straight Teeth

Correctly aligned teeth and jaws are important to properly eat and speak. Achieving a beautiful smile and improved appearance can also lead to higher self-esteem, confidence and self-image. Having straighter teeth is also an important aide in avoiding tooth decay and gum problems. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental care are more effective on straight teeth, as regular brushing may not properly reach the spaces between misaligned teeth.

If you do not properly address the problem, then tooth decay, periodontal disease and worn down teeth are all possible outcomes of untreated orthodontic issues, which can also lead to tooth loss. It is important to consult your dentist in Warrenton as soon as possible before the problem worsens. When you are younger it is easier to make adjustments to the position of the teeth, but as an adult you can also significantly improve the appearance and functionality of your teeth with clear braces.

How does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth without interrupting your everyday life because, instead of traditional wire braces, the process of straightening your teeth involves a series of clear aligners that function to gradually position your teeth the exact way you want them. First, your Invisalign certified dentist assesses your teeth and bite, in addition to making an impression of your teeth before a proper treatment plan is created for your smile.

Your Invisalign treatment will consist of a series of aligners that you will switch out approximately every two weeks. Each aligner is individually made with the exact calculations needed to gradually shift your teeth into their proper places. Since your treatment with Invisalign is custom-made to fit your individual teeth only, you will end up with a smile that fits perfectly.

What are the Benefits of Using Invisalign?

By straightening your teeth with Invisalign, you can experience how discrete and comfortable your treatment is. The clear aligners used in your treatment are created specifically for each individual patient and are completely transparent, allowing them to go unnoticed. Invisalign does not react with the gum tissue as traditional braces may do, making them comfortable to wear.

Additionally, with Invisalign you can eat and clean your teeth normally. Each time you eat or brush your teeth, simply take out your aligners and replace them when finished. This allows you to maintain a proper dental hygiene regimen, as well as a healthy diet.

Invisalign is an ideal choice for straightening your teeth without complications for these reasons:

*You can take your aligners out to eat, brush and floss

*Change to a new set of aligners every two weeks

*Your teeth gradually move position over time

*Your progress is checked at regular intervals by your dentist

*Unnoticeable to others

*Your lifestyle will not be interrupted

*Your teeth and gums will not be irritated by metal wires or bands

If you are not happy with your crooked smile, a consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Warrenton should be set up for further analysis of your teeth and bite. While Invisalign is not for everyone, a proper visit and assessment with your dentist will help to establish a proper treatment plan for improving your smile.

by: Gen Wright

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