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subject: Make The Right Choice While Purchasing Diamond Bands [print this page]

A diamond is forever and that is precisely the time period which every marriage is meant to last. Hence, diamond bands are an ideal choice for wedding occasions. If you have popped the big question to your beloved then look for an ideal band which you can give on the wedding day as a symbol of commitment and love. With the help of a few pointers you will be able to make the right choice.

A wedding band is much more than a piece of jewelry. Hence, if you want to purchase the ideal band for the love of your life then you have to decide whether you want a customized one which is made according to your specifications. In case you are buying from a store offering customized bands then you would have to provide all the required details about the type of band you would want for yourself. The setting of the stones, the style of the band and even the design needs to be taken into consideration.

For example: some like the classic 3-diamond setting that comes in a platinum band. However, some find a unique cut diamond set on a thin gold band which is much more appealing. The best thing would be to get in touch with a reputable jeweler who can work on your band design. You must make yourself clear about the budget and then you can place the order for the band.

There are a few simple elements which you must consider when you are evaluating the value of the bands. You must consider the metal which is used for making the diamond bands. Platinum is often the most expensive metal since it is rare and durable in comparison to silver or gold. Your preference should let you decide the metal you select as well as your budget. If platinum is too expensive for you then you can always go for white gold or silver. These bands can be less expensive but also very stunning.

As for the stones they are valued not by size but mainly by color carat, clarity and cut. Cheaper stones on your diamond bands may have imperfections and hence their clarity is not very good. The cut of the stone will affect the shine and sparkle and this is where the craftsmanship of the bands comes into the picture. You need skilled diamond cutter for achieving the best results. Most of the time, these bands are graded by the qualities and not by the stone size. A band with a big stone may be less expensive if it has imperfections. Only you can decide the best choice in diamond bands for yourself and for your beloved. So, go for a band that has well cut diamonds so that your beloved is absolutely ecstatic.

by: Somong Paul

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