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subject: 5 Ways To Ramp Up Your Sales This Year [print this page]

Two of the best ways to increase sales is to increase the amount of money each client spends with you and the frequency with which they buy. All successful small business owners and entrepreneurs know that just getting new clients and selling something to them once does not build a successful business, yet I'd estimate that over 90% of small business owners do just that. When you completely change your thinking and begin to think about the strategy you can use to build loyalty and turn clients into fans who buy again and again, you're on your way to transforming your business.

Here are 5 ways to increase the likelihood that someone will make the leap from interested lead to become a paying client or customer, or from one time client to repeat client. These methods have all been proven to work time and time again. These are not tricks, but are motivators. When someone really needs what you offer but is on the fence, these motivators can help them make an immediate decision to go ahead and complete the purchase.

1.One time offer

The one time offer infers that this product at this price will not be offered again. An easy way to implement this method is to include an up-sell page for people who purchase anything from your website and let them know that they will only receive this offer one time.

2.Limited time offer

A limited time offer is always effective as long as you mean what you say. If you say the offer ends at midnight tomorrow, take it down at that time. Use a limited time offer when offering a discounted price or special bonuses or early registration.

3.Limited supply

An example of limited supply might be an upcoming course or program where you only want a certain number of participants, or a special premium product that is only available until it's gone. You've seen luxury limited edition cars, coins and other collectables sold like this but it works for any business.

4.Ironclad no-risk guarantee

No matter what you're selling, but particularly if you are selling something intangible like consulting or coaching, or if you are selling online, an ironclad no-risk guarantee is crucial. The key term here is "no risk". People feel safe trying you out even if they don't know you if they feel assured they can get a refund if they don't like what they bought. No matter what you sell, get creative and figure out how you could offer a guarantee that makes it seem like a "no brainer" to buy from you. You will dramatically increase your sales, and make it well worth while even if someone requests a refund. Do you believe your products deliver what you say they will? Then prove it with a guarantee.

5.Strong testimonials

When someone finds your website or even if you meet them but they don't know you, testimonials can help make them commit to buying from you. Strong testimonials establish you as an expert, trustworthy and someone who has delivered proven results. The more, the better. Whenever humanly possible, your testimonials should include a photo and full name and/or website of the person who wrote it. Testimonials that simply include someone's first name are not taken seriously. Video or audio testimonials are ten times better and carry a lot more weight. Include these testimonials on EVERY key web page and in all your marketing materials and you'll be very happy with the results.

Try implementing these 5 strategies right away and measure the increase in sales. They've been proven to work remarkably well again and again.

by: Janis Pettit

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