subject: Universal Laws [print this page] One of the most complex and biggest undertakings many corporations go through is a change initiative. There are very few companies that have done it effectively and swiftly without drastic ramifications of disdain and even employee fallout. Of all of the ones that I have gone through, whether it is accepting a new CEO or manager, replacing an antiquated technology system with a new one, or even the acquisition & merger of two corporations, these companywide change initiatives often lacked the involvement of universal laws to guarantee a successful change initiative. If I had to mention three significant characteristics of laws, or principles, that make them highly probable for a successful change initiative, it would have to be the following three factors.
Universal Laws:
1) Always produce a consistent result.
2) Operate by our thoughts.
3) Are absolute.
So, with these three characteristics in mind, let's discuss how Universal Laws can cause a successful change initiative.
First, let's discuss the notion of "always producing a consistent result." In order for change to happen, there has to be a consistent and repetitious involvement of the thing in which the change initiative is centered. For instance, I have been involved where the new CEO wants acceptance from the organization, but he does not repetitiously put himself in front of the organization as a whole, only certain managers. Yet at the same time he wants to come in and make drastic changes to employee comfort zones, pay plans, and initiate an all out, "new way of doing things." The immediate reaction from such antics triggers the "Im outta here" mindset within employees and is hard to change once the wall has been built up. This can be negated by using several different medium, like audio, video, and newsletters to consistently put himself in front of the organization. From this, people will begin to develop a trusting relationship with the new CEO or manager, and the Law of Connection will begin to take place and permeate the organization.
Second, by understanding that universal laws operate by our thoughts; we immediately operate in the Law of Responsibility, knowing that what we think and say can shape the outcome of the change initiative. It is the directive of each manager to then think positively by guarding his thoughts and speak positively from his thoughts. Each manager is responsible for the direction of his employees thoughts and actions to be that toward the change initiative. Positive words of acceptance and a good outcome should permeate the department of each manager.
Third, if you understand that universal laws are absolute, you can easily understand that by doing the following above, you will have a successful change initiative. Look at it like this; any change initiative can be successful if you cater to the mind, the will, the imagination, the emotions, and the intellect of your employees. By initiating the Law of Connection, you will be in the mind of your employees. And you can also discuss with them, the emotional factors of the positive change. In addition, the Law of Responsibility affects their will to make appropriate decisions toward the change by using their imagination to foresee positive and negative results from actions taken.
So, if you want a successful change initiative within your organization, obey the Universal Laws that govern successful change, every time! There are universal laws that if you put them to work, they will work for you and create a change environment in which you want for your organization now and for a long time coming.
by: mohsim
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