subject: How Parents Can Help Their Children Overcome Their Fear Of Dentists [print this page] There are some children who cringe at the thought of visiting one of the local dentists. To be honest, there are many adults who feel the exact same way. However, the fear and amount of hesitancy that the child feels is probably way more potent than that of an adult. For the most part, the adult will only feel a sense of hesitancy due to the fact they don't want to have to hear about how bad their dental practices have been. In other words, they really want to avoid the lecture.
Now, with a child, dentists are actually dealing with people who are literally fearful of them, their equipment and all of their tools. Because of this reality, many parents have a hard time convincing their children that dentists are nothing to be afraid of. This can cause a big headache for parents. If this describes your current situation, there are several things you can do to help ease and dissipate your child's fears.
One of the things you can do is show them a video that outlines the process of an average dental checkup. You don't have to necessarily go out and find a DVD. There are all types of free videos and tutorials online that you can use. Viewing this type of occurrence will allow them to become more familiar and comfortable with the process. It will help them know exactly what to do when they go in for a visit. That way they won't be caught off guard by anything.
Another thing you can do to help your child is have a quick run through of some of the tools that dentists use during checkups. You can look online to find pictures as well as a description for each piece of equipment. Let your child look at and study the pictures as well as the descriptions. You may also want to give a brief explanation for things they don't understand.
Lastly and probably more importantly, you should give your child a quick lecture on how important dental checkups are for them. Let them know the consequences of not going to the dentist. You may even be able to find pictures of people with rotten or decaying teeth to show them.
So, if your child has been showing signs of fear when it comes to getting their dental checkup, you don't have to feel as if there's nothing you can do to help. In fact, there are several things you can do to help ease your child's fears.
by: Abigail Aaronson
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