subject: 3 Money Making Ways To Earn Easy Money Online [print this page] Every day many people are starting their blog online. Most of them want to make their blog online money generating machine. Although it is easy to generate profit from your blog or website, its not a childs job. You have to work hard continuous and keep researching many things at the same time like visitors, interest of visitors, popularity of your blog post, comments of visitors, and also a Search engine ranking. Best way to earn money with blog is to create a Niche blog, content of the blog must be focused on particular topic that visitors like most.
Niche blog can help you make money online better than any general site or junk blog. One good reason is that only the interested visitors will reach your blog as your blog targets the topic of their interest. Monetizing such a niche blog is simpler than junk blog.
You will find many ways to monetize your blog and generate some online income. Its hard to say that which monetizing method can make you reach. What you can do is try many method one by one, research and trace online earning. This will help you pick up the best performing monetizing method. Here are some monetize methods discussed, which are being used widely to generate maximum profit from blog and website.
Selling private Ads on your blog:
Once you have put your blog on better search engine ranking, you can start selling space of your website to private advertisers directly. You can sell space for banner ads and text link ads. You can also sell services like paid reviews, paid articles. But for that your blog must be getting enough search engine traffic so that private advertisers may take interest in putting their ads on your blog. You can invite advertisers by putting Click here to advertise here like banners on your site. If you are having top ranking for search engines and strong readership, it is possible that advertisers may contact you directly before you contact them or invite them. Such private ads program generally costs on timely basis. You can charge them to put their banners on your blog on week, month, or yearly basis.
Paid to write on Blog:
Many blogger like you are working hard to spread their blog all over the Internet. To do so they need many quality articles to be posted on blog per day. If your blog is good enough and you are having good writing skill, your can contact such blogger to offer them your articles, paid to write, paid to review services. Many advertisers over the internet are willing to pay you 5 to 505$ per article post depending on your writing skill and quality of article. You can write on your blog to promote their services or product and get money from them.
Pay per click PPC program:
This is the most popular way to monetize your blog and make money online that is being used widely by webmasters and blogger all over. And the best performing program people are using is no doubt a Google Adsense. What you can do is setup a good blog, post some quality articles, let Google index your pages, and apply for Google Adsense account. Once you are accepted in Google Adsense program you can put Adsense code on your blog. Google will dynamically put advertisement on your blog related to content of your blog, means ads on the same niche. You can customize look, feel, colors, and ad format of Adsense ads. Google Adsense has made many blogger to leave their job. IF you got the right vision and power of thinking differently, there is no doubt that Google Adsense can also make your rich.
by: Raj Sharma
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