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Car Insurance Policy - Maximum Coverage And Affordable Premiums

Car insurance policy is available in two types. A third party cover is a basic cover which protects the insured against third party liability. A comprehensive cover on the other hand is extensive car insurance policy which not only protects against third party liability but also damage or loss of vehicle. Best car insurance should be comprehensive and includes personal accident cover for the owner driver of the motor vehicle. The car insurance policy is usually very comprehensive but optional covers are also available to increase the coverage of the vehicle. The premium will also proportionally increase with the increase in coverage.

For maximum coverage, one should always look at the additional covers available with the car insurance policy. There are a lot of add-on covers which are available and once can choose any of them for enhancing the coverage of the vehicle. Some of the major add on covers are personal accident cover passengers, zero depreciation cover, accessories coverage, total loss cover, engine box protection etc. As mentioned earlier, car insurance provides personal accident cover for owner driver but not for passengers. You can get personal accident cover passenger too.

During the course of time, there is wear and tear in different car parts. And if there is need to replace the car part when you make car insurance claim, full replacement amount is not covered as depreciation costs are deducted. In order to avoid that, you can opt for zero depreciation cover which means the complete amount for the part will be borne by the insurance company when you make car insurance claim. There is also option to take cover for different accessories. As per the value of accessory, cover will be decided and premium will be increased accordingly. Engine box protection cover provides cover for engine parts if they get damaged due to water logging etc.

As the cover get more comprehensive, car insurance premium also gets more and more. One needs to find a policy which not only provides extensive cover but also at an affordable premium. The process for searching such a car insurance policy can begin online by comparing different car insurance plans on web portals. You will able to compare car insurance quotes and get the best car insurance. Always compare quotes of car insurance with different insurers to get the best car insurance deal and save a lot of money.

by: Addy Brown

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