subject: Get Your Email Delivered, Read-and Boost Sales! [print this page] Lets face iteveryone thats signed up for an e-newsletter, e-course, downloads, or buys products or services online gets e-blasted daily with promotional email.
Soif youre using email to market to potential customers, how do you increase the probability that you email messages get delivered and read in a time of SPAM filers?
Here are some great tips from Jimmy D. Brown, author of, How to Actually Produce Profits By Using the Power of Email Marketing. (For more information from Jimmy, visit:
Step 1: The first step is to use downloadable email messages to deliver your e-newsletter, free report, e-course, or online information.
A downloadable email message is an informational message that announces to the subscribers on your list that the information they want is ready for access as a download.
This means rather than delivering the information within the actual email message, you give the subscribers a link to the information so that they can download the information as shown in the example below:
Subject: The latest edition of the Daily E-Newsletter is available!
Dear Subscriber: The latest edition of the Daily E-Newsletter is available for download at the following web address:
- The email is much more likely to get passed SPAM filters because the length of the email text is significantly shorterinstead of hundreds or thousands of words, your message is only around 50 wordsmaking it easier to pass through the filter tests and obstacles.
- The subscribers download the information as a file they save to their computer and keep, so they perceive it has having more value.
- It gives your download a longer shelf life than if the information was sent in an email. Whybecause the subscribers would more than likely scan the information in an email and file it away or delete it. When it is a downloadable file it is saved on the subscribers computersnow they may view it again at a later date.
But how do you get them to look at it at a later date
Step 2: Use keyword phrases as your downloadable filename. Subscribers may see the file weeks or months later on their computer. If you name the file with a recognizable namethis increases the chances that they will open the file again, read it and potentially buy or revisit your website.
Use recognizable filenames such as: lose-10-pounds.pdf
rather than unrecognizable filenames such as: l10p.pdf
Be careful not to make the filenames too long. You want them to be instantly recognizable to get the subscribers to click and open.
Step 3: Link the subscribers to a download page that is on your website with a link to the downloadable file rather than just putting a direct link to the download in the email.
You want to direct them to your website so that they potentially see other products or services on your site that they may be interested in. Even if their not interested in buying today, they may bookmark the page and visit it later.
by: Yasmin Taufk
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