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subject: Buy / Sell Scrap Gold, Selling Jewelry, Gold Coins, Diamonds [print this page]

Buy / Sell Scrap Gold, Selling Jewelry, Gold Coins, Diamonds

We Buy It...
We Buy It...

Take a look around your house. Maybe you have an old wedding ring you've been meaning to get rid of ever since your marriage ended. Perhaps you have a diamond ring that's out of style. Or you received a watch after fifty years of service with your company, and it's just not your taste.

No matter the reason, if you're selling jewelry of value, we will probably take it off your hands, and we will pay top dollar for it. So look around your home and see what's of value. We will buy a number of items, including:

Buy / Sell Scrap Gold, Selling Jewelry, Gold Coins, Diamonds








We will buy almost anything that we might think has some kind of value. So if you've been wanting to rid your house of painful memories or maybe just make some extra spending cash from items lying around the house in your sock drawer, let us know what you have and we'll give you an estimate of its worth.

We Sell It...

Our selection of items is unmatched. We have thousands of wonderful products to choose from at any given time and the prices cannot be beat. Check out these features:

Great Selection -- If it has value, there's a good chance we carry it.Whether you're looking to buy gold a wedding ring, antique coins, a diamond bracelet ... you name and we probably have a style to fit your needs.

Unbeatable Prices -- We pride ourselves in our ability to offer superior products at the lowest prices possible. We are constantly aware of the current values of a variety of items and will adjust our prices accordingly.

We Have a Knowledgeable Staff...

To ensure that your experience with us is the best it can be, we only employ the greatest. Our staff is knowledgeable about current prices when it comes to both buying and selling items. They also keep up with our ever-changing inventory so that when you are in need of a specific item, our staff can provide you with all available options.

In addition, our staff is trained to deliver outstanding service with a smile, and will provide you with whatever information you require in order to make your experience with us the best it can be. The only thing better about our buying and selling prices is our friendly and knowledgeable staff. To see Luriya's buying and selling homepage click here.

by: Mark Kandinov

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