subject: X Reasons You Have Failed To Get Out Of Debt (and How You Can Turn Them Around) [print this page] 1. You are focusing on debt. If you're familiar with the Law of Attraction, you know that we all get more of what we focus on, with emotion.
In other words, the things we grind over while expending a lot of emotion, are what we get more of in life. Focus on debt and you're likely to get more.
Not only that, but you're likely to feel more of what you were feeling when you focused on your debt. Chances are these feelings weren't good ones.
If you want to get out of debt, you've got to focus on the things you need to do to get out of debt. Then, instead of dwelling on how bad things are right now, thing about how good they're going to be once you finally get out of debt.
This change can be harder than it sounds, but it is definitely doable. In fact, it is essential!
2. You are spending your time around the wrong people. This one can be a little hard to swallow for many of us. But the fact is, the people you hang around influence who you are. And you're not going to get anywhere if you spend all of your time with people who bring you down.
The most obvious people to ge4t away from are those who belittle your ambitions. People often do this in a very subtle manner. This kind of behavior can be hard to put your finger on sometimes, even when you can really feel what's going on.
Fortunately, you are not obligated to explain to anyone why you move away from negative influences. I you feel you need to get away, then just get away. And get on with your life.
(Not everyone necessarily is going to bring you down. But it's possible that your friends and family may encourage the "focus on the problem and not the solution" attitude. Why not share your newfound attitude with them? This can only help the people you love--and will also show you who really is supportive of your ne positive direction vs. who isn't.)
3. You are trying to pay off all debt at once. This is certainly an admirable way to go about trying to get out of debt. Unfortunately, it is also an approach that will actually put you deeper in the red. Why?
Because the number of institutions you owe or contracts that you owe on, are in some ways as important on the total dollar amount you owe. The more individual debts you owe money on, the more interest is being generated on those debts.
The best way to get out of debt quickly (or at all!) is to focus on a single creditor first, until you have that debt down. Seek a mentor or financial advisor before deciding exactly how you want to go about it. Just keep in mind that, unfortunately, it takes a little time and planning to get out of debt for good!
by: RaymondAaron
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