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subject: Healthy Skin Always Enhances Makeup [print this page]

Makeup is an essential part of every womans life. Whether you wear subtle makeup for work days or really go all out for those special occasions like a wedding, a party or just a nice evening out with your loved one, good makeup will always make your day even better. But what most women dont realize is that the first step of looking great and putting on makeup that compliments your face and beauty is actually to have healthy skin.

Skincare is absolutely essential and something not to be ignored if you are serious about looking genuinely beautiful. Of course a good makeup artist can make you radiate beauty throughout your special day but at the same time, a good makeup artist will also tell you that healthy skin is the best foundation for any cosmetics or other facial products.

While most women would already know about this, it is often out of ignorance or lack of knowledge about skincare that they neglect to keep skin healthy. A lot of women feel that taking care of your skin is a full time activity and would take up a lot of their daily schedule. The fact though is keeping skin healthy could be one of the easiest things to manage if you just follow some simple rules.

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that overexposure to sunlight can result in skin ageing faster than normal. In fact a lot of women can face skin irritation and rashes if exposed to the sun for a long period of time. Hence it is essential you use a sun block if you are going to be out of the house or office most of the time.

Women should also take care that their everyday creams or moisturizers do not contain harmful chemicals and should use organic products as much as possible. Chemicals from skincare products can kill skin cells which lead to wrinkles and premature ageing signs. In worse case scenarios, chemicals can also lead to fatal diseases like skin cancer. Hence it is best to use organic and light products from not just beauty point of view but also for maintaining overall good health.

Another mistake many women make is to wash their faces too often that too with soap that makes your skin look dry and dull. Having said that, you need to wash your face at least twice a day of course to make sure you wash away any impurities and bacteria from settling down. But overdoing the same and remove essential oils and also dry your face which causes unhealthy looking skin.

Another important aspect of having healthy skin is to have a healthy body. This means you need to make sure you maintain a good diet which has a mixture of proteins, vitamins and other essential ingredients required for a healthy body. Having fruits everyday can help build your immunity against skin diseases and also help in giving energy boosts which is required if you are going through a stressful day. Nothing gets skin down than having a lot of stress and feeling tired. Apart from a good diet, women should also make sure they take plenty of water. This will help in washing away all the toxins from the body and keep the skin well hydrated.

These simple rules, if followed regularly can result in beautiful healthy skin which in turn can enhance the simplest of makeup and make you look and feel gorgeous everyday.

by: Nicole Lundy

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