subject: Jiangsu Releases Circular On Collective Acceptance Of Taxpayers Under Vat Reform [print this page] Jiangsu"s Provincial Office of the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) released the "Circular on the Collective Acceptance of Taxpayers in the Pilot Collection of Value-Added Tax (VAT) in Lieu of Business Tax (suguoshuifa [2012] No. 161, hereinafter referred to as the "Circular")" on November 7, aiming to promote the smooth implementation of the VAT pilot collection in the province and effectively reduce the burdens of taxpayers.
According to the Circular, the "one-time inspection, collective acceptance" principle is applicable to the investigation matters of pilot taxpayers transferred by local taxation bureaus and collectively accepted by the state tax authorities, including:
Entity taxpayers under separate or joint jurisdiction
Individually-owned businesses under separate or joint jurisdiction who pay taxes based on their revenue in account books
Individually-owned businesses under separate or joint jurisdiction paying fixed taxes regularly
For the purpose of conducting the "one-time inspection," all the contents that need to be investigated shall be shown in the "Investigation and Confirmation Form of Taxpayers in the Pilot Collection of Value-Added Tax in Lieu of Business Tax," and the information required from different types of taxpayers is shown in the Annex below.
Annex: Pilot Taxpayers
Entity taxpayers under separate jurisdictions
Information required:
Initial tax registration information
Deposit account information
Tax identification information
Identification information of general taxpayer application
Qualification information for issuing invoices
Tax preference and other record-filing information
Export rebate information
Other relevant information
Entity taxpayers under joint jurisdiction
Information required:
Initial tax registration information
Identification information of general taxpayer application
Qualification information for issuing invoices
Tax preference and other record-filing information
Export rebate information
Other relevant information
Individually-owned businesses under separate jurisdictions who pay tax based on their account books
Information required:
Initial tax registration information
Deposit account information
Tax identification information
Qualification information for issuing invoices
Tax preference and other record-filing information
Export rebate information
Other relevant information
Individually-owned businesses under joint jurisdictions pay tax based on their account books
Information required:
Initial tax registration information
Tax identification information
Qualification information for issuing invoices
Identification information for general taxpayer applications
Tax preferences and other record-filing information
Export rebate information
Other relevant information
Individually-owned businesses under separate jurisdictions paying fixed tax regularly
Information required:
Initial tax registration information
Deposit account information
Tax identification information
Qualification information for issuing invoices
Fixed tax information
Individually-owned businesses under joint jurisdictions paying fixed tax regularly
Information required:
Deposit account information
Tax identification information
Qualification information for issuing invoices
Fixed tax information
by: Dezan Shira & Associates
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