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subject: Get The Best Local Breaking News By Going Online, Read Real Journalism [print this page]

Get The Best Local Breaking News By Going Online, Read Real Journalism

Find out what is going on in the world around you with local breaking news. Dont keep reading the big national dailies that are owned by those wealthy plutocrats who couldnt care less about real journalism, who only want to strangle as much money out of the public. Get online and find a local newspaper that is run with integrity and passion. Find out about what is happening in your community and city from people who live there and love it just as much as you do. Read news on a site that places people and not profits first.

The internet has revolutionised the news industry, and in the nick of time. The past few decades had seen the international newspaper industry becoming an oligarchy of huge multinational conglomerates that have strangled the profession. These companies bought up virtually every local newspaper in the world, replaced local editors with big shots that toe the company line, people who are more interested in the advertising than the stories. The rich variety of local papers was replaced by a generic and homogenised vehicle for advertising. Then the internet came along and saved journalism.

By drastically reducing the costs of working in the profession the web has allowed a rich panoply of different journalists to operate, from special interest sites through to community news pages, the web haws democratised journalism, allowing pretty much anyone to take part. Where there were almost no voices left a few decades ago, there are now millions of voice, each with their own story to tell. It is a great time for news, a new world of journalism.

Now you can find local state news, community news and anything else you could possibly want by reading online. Say goodbye to celebrity gossip and say hello to information about the world that actually affects you. All you have to do is type in community news and Google will find the right sites, tracking your location and finding the best pages for you to look at, it really couldnt be easier.

Find local news about NSW now online, read about community projects, how the local sports teams are doing and about the various council initiatives may affect your day to day world.

Get online now and connect with the world that you live in right now. Read local news and say goodbye to the multinational junk that pass for news these days.

by: Walker Whiteford

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