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subject: The Need For Prostate Cancer Awareness And How Automobile Donations Can Help [print this page]

After many years of medical research we now have a vast wealth of knowledge that we can rely on to diagnose and cure diseases which not long ago would have been undetectable or incurable. Admittedly, giant steps have been made in as far as detecting and treating various forms of cancer is concerned. Why then do we still have an unacceptably high number of deaths from prostate cancer? What is it about this disease that makes it so lethal to men over sixty and is there anything we can do about it?

Prostate cancer hasn't received as much press as other so called lifestyle diseases and therefore many men and their partners are simply uninformed about it. Additionally, this is a disease that characteristically persists for many years before manifesting itself. Many men who are already developing it will thus remain blissfully unaware of the fact until its a tad too late.

It is therefore of essence, and doctors agree, that men get regular screening for the disease as soon as they reach their fifties even if their health seems perfectly fine. There are certain risk factors that make screening even more imperative to some men. We know, for example, that African American men are at greater risk of developing the disease than Whites, Asians or Latinos. Men who have had a history of the disease in their families have a significant risk of developing it and more so if their fathers or brothers have been affected. Knowing all this is well and good; why then don't we have more men turning up for regular screening? The simple reason is that when people are healthy they just don't see the need to go for a medical exam. Nonetheless, men need to be educated on the risks posed by prostate cancer and especially for those people who are considered to have a higher risk.

What we need is a thorough awareness campaign to give all the relevant information a public face so that men can start making the right choices. We already have organizations doing this but there is still a long way to go and any extra help is welcome. You too can contribute to this awareness campaign, even indirectly, by donating to charities involved in these efforts. You can for example actually make an automobile donation to car donation charities like the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project. Such car donation charities will then resell your automobile donation in order to raise cash for their programs. Prostate Cancer Awareness Project is one of the car donation charities dedicated to educating men about prostate cancer and the need for them to get regular screening which could help them to detect the disease in its early stages.

Car donation charities, including this one, welcome all sorts of automobile donations, regardless of a vehicles age, type or condition; what counts is the kind gesture behind the donation. By making automobile donations to car donation charities you will turn your old and/or unused automobile into a means for helping the society.

by: Donald Lewis

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