subject: How To Buy An Accordion? [print this page] It is believed that the first accordion was produced by the Chinese Cheng in around 3000 B.C. and it was only in the eighteenth century that it was brought to Europe. It is believed to have been manufactured in the shape of a phoenix with several bamboo pipes and a mouth piece. The resonator box resembled the gourd. Some accordions were also believed to have a reed. However, the history of the accordion remains a mystery and is debated even to this day. The accordion has undergone several developments across decades to be what it is today.
Accordions are available in different varieties and tunings. As a result, purchasing an accordion that is best suited for you is not very easy for a beginner. This is because there are various factors that need to be considered while you are purchasing it, like the genre of music that you are interested in, the weight of the instrument and many other factors. The following guidelines will make the decision-making process easier for you:
Make a thorough research of the type of accordions on the internet. Talk to your neighbours, friends and family members who know how to play an accordion. This will give you an idea about which accordion will be suitable for you. They may also guide you to the best musical instrument store in the place that you live in.
Visit different shops that sell musical instruments. Dont forget to mention that you are a beginner. It is best to rely on the judgment of the sales people regarding which accordion would be the best for a beginner. You can also request a friend or acquaintance who can lay an accordion to accompany you when you go to purchase the instrument. If you plan to go alone, you can research on the internet to have an idea about the price range of the instrument.
Visit a music store, preferably accompanied with an experienced friend or acquaintance. You can also visit flea markets that sell quality musical instruments at a bargain. You can also visit garage sales that may have an accordion on display. But make sure that it is in a good condition.
Clarify all your doubt regarding how to take care of the instrument. Make sure that is in tune when you are purchasing it.
Ask for guide books that will enable you to learn playing there instrument on your own. However, if you want to learn playing the instrument from a professional, you can ask the salesmen in the store for contact numbers.