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800 Numbers Are Perfect For Home Based Businesses

Due to the recent changes in the economy and the state of the current job market, home businesses are becoming incredibly popular. Standing out from the crowd often involves some thought and good marketing techniques, and 800 numbers are certainly fantastic additions to any home-based business.

Appear Professional

New home-based business owners sometimes feel as if they are being drowned out by all of the more experienced business owners in their communities. Thankfully, 800 numbers are a great tactic for appearing professional to potential clients and customers, regardless of the industry. By simply using a toll-free number, consumers get the impression that a business is established and professional, even if it just opened its doors the day before. This is an excellent way to stand out from among the droves of home-based businesses that are cropping up every day.

Separate Personal and Professional Calls

One of the mistakes that many home-based business owners make is using the same telephone numberor even two separate numbers that ring through on the same lineto conduct everyday business. While it may seem like the least expensive option, it can cause turmoil and even hurt the business in the long run. Business calls should always be answered professionally, and allowing other family members to answer business calls, even inadvertently, can spell disaster. 800 numbers ensure that business calls are easily distinguished from personal calls, and this allows them to be answered with the appropriate greeting each and every time.

Manage Calls with Tools for Small Businesses

It is a well-known fact that 800 numbers purchased as part of a virtual phone system are less expensive and packed with more features that can make a small business more productive. By using a computer or mobile device as the actual telephone, these systems can make managing calls simple and hassle-free. For instance, missed calls are delivered to a virtual voicemail system where they are organized and saved until the business owner is able to retrieve them. Call forwarding allows the business owner to accept calls wherever they may go, from any device imaginable. Finally, the ability to capture every callers information, even if they do not have caller ID, makes callbacks simple and pleasurable.

Inexpensive Marketing

Part of ensuring that a home-based business is successful involves marketing tactics. Without them, consumers simply would not know the business exists. Toll-free numbers can be personalized with the name of the business, the business owners name, or a word or phrase about the industry in order to become more memorable. A housecleaning business with a number such as 1-888-CLEAN4U will have a longer-lasting impression on consumers when they see it on flyers, business cards and other forms of advertisement than a random string of numbers. Personalizing a telephone number is easy and inexpensive, and it could mean the difference between success and failure.

It is quite easy to see why 1 800 numbers are so important to the success of a home-based business. By utilizing these numbers and the features that are associated with them, business owners can seem more professional; manage their time wisely and save precious money on their marketing tactics.

by: Kevin John

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