subject: A Review Of The Business Model Infinity100 Offers [print this page] Why is everyone rushing to join this little $100 program, Infinity100?
Infinity100 is a new internet marketing program developed by Internet marketing pioneer Mr. Peter Wolfing.
The Infinity100 program was developed to be the next generation following the super successful infinity downline which hit 13,000 members in only a few short months.
basically, Infinity 100 is an affiliate program that sells subscriptions to its financial education video library. The main focus of this education is essentially How to become a successful trader whether you are trading in the forex market or the Stock market. The training is presented in Video, Audio and Webinar format.
Paying out 100% commission is what makes Infinity100 unique and saves members from ever having to pay admin fees. The small entry charge of $100 can be misleading, this program may be a small ticket program but it pays out like a Big Ticket program but through a subscription. when you refer a new member you make an $100 bill. When a second person joins you they get passed up to your upline sponsor. As you refer your third new member you earn $100 and your fourth is automatically passed upline again. I know it sounds bad at first to pass up a sale! But there in lies the true power of the compensation plan because now the 2 team players that you retained plus all new people from that point on will also pass 2 sales up to you. The Reverse 2 up Pay Plan represents one of the most powerful forms of leverage.
Now if Inifnity100 was based only on a $100 sign up fee it might not be very exciting but when you consider that the $100 from every Infinity100 associate you enroll actually becomes a monthly commission you start to realize the staggering possibilities with this new company. In other words every time you sponsor a new rep they represent up to $1200 each and to reach a $1000 monthly residual income one needs to only create $1000 worth of monthly volume. In a traditional Network marketing company income.
The last important piece of the Infinity100 puzzle is for the first time ever a brand new person can join a business, refer just one new associate, and never be out of pocket again. No where else can a brand new person be in a position to profit after just one successful sale..
In memory of Siskel and Ebert... Infinity100 gets a Big Thumbs up!.
The product line is universal this business opportunity is available all around the world representing a true Global Opportunity.
by: Roger Silen
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