subject: Use Of Non Asbestos Brake Parts In Automotive Industry [print this page] We all know that asbestos is a unique material and it is used in so many applications that it is nearly found in all kinds of industrial and commericial products. This is heavily used in automotive industry and it found in brake pads or shoes, internal combustion components, gaskets and hundreds of other assorted autmobile parts.
Asbestos is a set of naturally occuring silicate minerals that commercially used for their desirable physical properties. They all have in common their asbestiform, eponymous and thin fibrous crystal.
Prolonged inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause serious illness including mesothelioma,malignant lung cancer and asbestosis. Therefore one should go for non asbestos brake pads.
Many countries in the world have banned the use of asbestos and its extraction including processing and manufacture of asbestos products. Today asbestos has become increasingly popular among builders and manufacturers in late 19th century due to sound absorption, resistance to fire, average tensile strength, heat, damage, eletrical including affordability. When asbestos is resistance to heat or fire, the fibers are mixed with cement that are woven into mats or fabrics.
It is used in number of applications like electrical insulation for hotplate wiring and building insulation. Mining of asbestos began some 40,000 years ago and did not start till the end of 19th century. For a long time the largest asbestos mine of world was in Jeffrey town of Asbestos, Quebec.
According to brake parts exporters, asbestos possesses the unique ability to insulate and prevent heat transfer.Traces of asbestos can be found in newer material as this is centerd around internal combustion engine and friction-based brakes.
Brakes are one of the most common automotive part to contain asbestos. They are used in pads, brake shoes and rotors. They rely on the forces of friction and helps them o function properly. This releases a great deal of heat in which asbestors acts as an insulator.
In automotive repair industry then consumers can purchase brake pads with lifetime warranty. The pads use a much harder lining than traditional brake pads that tends to cause excessive wear that are much expensive than roots or drums.
You can also go for Asbestos Free Brake Pads. Though asbestos brake linings have been phased out but contrary to the popular misconception,they have not disappeared all together. For instance Ford still used asbestor brake pads and same linings are used on some high end import vehicles like Land Rover due to excellent braking.
by: Yogesh Sharma
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