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subject: Astra Resources Track Global Energy Consumption Efficiently [print this page]

Global energy consumption is the total energy expenditures of the whole world. The amount is measured annually and it takes every source of energy into consideration when calculating the total. Even energy that is lost is considered in the overall amount that is reported to collective worldwide agencies. Knowing the total, universal, consumption of energy helps with the implementation of ecological efforts, and makes us aware of how much energy is required to effectively run society today. Obviously, the total amount of consumption has a tremendous impact on the social, political, and economic decisions being made throughout the world.

There are various institutions that track global energy consumption and gather research in order to predict environmental issues, recognize damaging trends, and advise as to the best way to preserve our resources for future generations. Developing countries consume a great deal of resources and energy. Their dependency on resources, particularly fossil fuels, drives the total global energy consumption and increases with each year.

Energy is derived from numerous sources. Each form of energy has its own benefits and drawbacks. The current sources available to exploit for energy are fossil fuels, coal, nuclear energy, gas, hydroelectricity, solar power, wind power, thermal energy, and bio-fuels. Many people are focusing on the more alternative and cleaner forms of energy to at least somewhat reduce our consumption to a more sustainable level.

The United States is responsible for consuming a quarter of the worlds potential energy. Other developed countries such as England, Japan, and France are heavily energy dependent. Some of the elements that dictate how much energy a country will require to sustain them are the climate, industry, and population. Many industries in developed countries utilize and require vast amounts of energy to manufacture national goods. Some of the most energy dependent producers are in the agricultural, industrial, manufacturing, and mining businesses.

In order to reduce our global energy consumption it will be necessary to seek out and become more dependent on alternative forms of energy. Currently, we require a great deal of energy to be derived from non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuel and oil. Learning to become more self-sufficient and ecologically minded can have profound effects on energy consumption and will preserve the Earth for future generations. Every individual has a responsibility to do their part in reducing the amount of energy that it takes to run their country and the world as a whole.

by: Steve Rohl

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