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Online Hospital Appointment

Namastedoc: -
Namastedoc: -

Thousands of patients have been benefited from NamasteDoc services. We work hard to satisfy our customers and have been rewarded by heart-warming calls from our patients. At NamasteDoc, we strive to develop strong relationship with doctors and understand their individual requirements. NamasteDoc patient management system has improved the way in which many clinics manage doctor appointment and follow-up visits. Front offices of clinics which use NamasteDoc regularly have found that chances of no-shows have decreased substantially and better patient engagement through SMS and call reminders and confirmations.

Benefits of Using an Appointment Scheduling System

1.Schedule patients for various medical procedures - visits, tests and treatments

2.Simply view various daily, weekly and monthly patient schedules

3.Create patient record and appointment reports

4.Create recurring appointments for multiple patient visits

5.Help to track patient flow based on arrival, visit and departure time

6.Avoid no-show, missing, overbooking appointments or other conflicts

7.Email appointment schedule reminders

8.Provide printable daily appointment scheduling report

Hospital Appointments: -

1.Paras Hospital Appointment:-

Paras Hospital is multi super specialty hospital providing a depth of expertise in the complete spectrum of advanced medical & surgical interventions with a comprehensive mix of inpatient and outpatient services.

Dr Ira Chopra Opthalmologist Specialist

Hospital Affiliations

by: Namastedoc

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