subject: Successful Mlm Business [print this page] I logged onto my computer this morning to see I had 231,609,864 people in my entire MySpace network. In this article I explain exactly how to tap into this monster to build you a huge MLM business.
With any network of people of this size and magnitude, you can totally dominate in your business if you know how to go about taping into this infinite source of abundance to grow your business.
This is the power of the internet and sometimes it just makes me smile form ear to ear. Anyways back to business on MySpace. First you will need to create an account and go ahead and set up your page.
Remember to keep your page, simple, easy to read and professional. DO NOT sell your business or service on the page, it's a total turn off and that spam marketing doesn't work. Just be yourself and simply explain who it is you are and your value to everyone. This is the perfect place to start branding yourself on the internet and it is so easy to do.
Simply put some links on your profile where you would like to funnel your traffic to. Make sure you have a squeeze page already set up so you can capture all your potential prospects contact information and ad them to your newsletter or list if they decide to opt in.
Now the key to growing your business using MySpace is become active in the community. You can start by adding new friends consistently. Imagine if you had 20,000 friends all commenting and funneling traffic through your page to your MLM squeeze page. What would that do to your business.
It's all about the traffic you can generate to your profile. I recommend a program out there called MySpace Friend Blaster. Google it and you will find it. It is a very inexpensive piece of software that allows you to add 100 is a friends a day on autopilot. This is one of the most powerful tools on the internet to building your MLM business and getting FREE traffic to your site.
I personally add 200 friends per day every single day and I am generating leads on a consistent basis from this one method alone. Could you imagine your profile adding 200 friends a day at the end of the year. That is about 73,000 friends, that is HUGE. I do not recommend adding anymore than 225 friends a day using this program because MySpace will recognize you as a spammer and could suspend or even delete your account.
If your looking to penetrate the internet with your MLM business then use MySpace to generate you FREE massive traffic, this is a must do. MySpace is not just for teenagers but also the home of millions of networkers and people looking for a home based business opportunity.
Just remember the key elements to making it successful such as keeping your page simple and easy to read. Be yourself and provide people with value and content so they always come back for more. Use MySpace friend blaster adding hundreds of targeted people a day.
Make friends and build relationships with everyone and continue the process over and over and over again until your generating so many leads you have to give them to your direct downline because you cannot simply contact them all on your own. That is the power of the internet and how to build a successful MLM business using MySpace.
by: jeet735
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