subject: A Few Tips For Searching For Jobs Online [print this page] Although searching for jobs online can be convenient, it can also be frustrating, and sometimes even hazardous. In many instances, your search queries return mostly irrelevant results, and it can often be very difficult to get responses to many of the jobs to which you have applied. This is often to be expected, because, you may not be the only applicant, and hiring manager or the HR department has not yet seen or read your online application.
In order to improve your chances of success when searching for jobs online there are a few important points to remember.
You may need to modify or refine your search methodology. It is important to use the most appropriate keywords. If you are looking for a job as a sushi chef in Florida, it will be more effective if you enter more exact search terms such as sushi chef in Florida as opposed to entering Chef Florida as search engines are focusing on returning location based content.
You must be almost perfectly clear on what your needs are, and convey these in your applications. Although your needs may not fit exactly with those of the employer, you must also be aware of the fact that a compromise may be necessary, and you should make all attempts to convey that message to the prospective employers. Although you may desire, a specific compensation or working hours, remember, everything is negotiable.
Your resume is still very important, and must be kept up to date. If you are applying for different jobs online, it is acceptable to have different versions that highlight different skills that are appropriate for the position.
Save time by applying at Aggregation job sites. Instead of submitting applications at various job search engines, you can submit your application to one site that indexes various job portals and company websites and aggregates the information and publishes it on one portal. You can save a lot of time, and be much more effective.
Be honest when filling out applications online, and ensure that your information remains consistent. It is very simple to cross-reference and determine the veracity of any information, because, information is now stored electronically.
Sign up for alerts. Instead of spending hours searching for jobs online, you can get alerted to any jobs that meet the criteria and parameters that you set. It is then your responsibility to follow up as soon as possible.
Ensure that you can be contacted with correct contact information. Many opportunities have been lost, because prospective job candidate could not be contacted. A mobile phone may be more appropriate than a land line, and an email address, that is easily accessed, can be dedicated for your job searching.
The methods outlined will improve the quality and the results that are returned from your job-search activities. You can learn how to make better use of your time, and better at managing your time, will help you become more productive, not only in your job-searching, but also in many other areas of your life.
There are several different ways to find jobs online, but knowing how to effectively use search engines and job portals can offer advantages and improve your chances of finding suitable jobs online.
by: ador talukdar
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